“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”—Psalm 118:24
Mornings can be tough, especially when the world around us feels heavy. As gay men, many of us have faced rejection, loneliness, or struggles with self-acceptance. Some days, it’s easy to wake up feeling discouraged, wondering if things will ever truly get better, especially under the current administrations regime. But here’s the truth: Every day we wake up is a new opportunity—a fresh start filled with God’s love, grace, and purpose. The enemy would love nothing more than for us to wake up and immediately focus on what’s wrong—the hardships, the disappointments, the fears, especially the fears. But God calls us to something greater. Instead of dwelling on the negativity, what if we started each day by thanking God for another chance to experience His goodness?
Paul reminds us in Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” This means that our outlook on life isn’t shaped by what happens to us, but by how we choose to see it. Even when things look bleak, we can renew our minds by focusing on God’s promises rather than our problems. One of the most beautiful reminders in Scripture comes from Lamentations 3:22-23, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” No matter what happened yesterday—no matter the mistakes, the hurt, or the disappointment—God’s mercies are fresh each morning. He doesn’t hold our past against us. He meets us with grace and gives us the strength to keep going.
Before you even get out of bed, declare God’s truth over your life. Say, “I am loved. I am chosen. I have a purpose.” This affirmation reminds me of the movie, The Help. It’s a look at life in Jackson, Mississippi back in the early 60’s when racial division and inequality were most evident in the lives of the citizens of that community. I’ve watched The Help several times, and I am sadly reminded of a time when so many people were marginalized and treated as if they were less-than-human. I guess part of what saddens me is that much of the division and inequality between races remains still. We also see division and inequality today, especially with how politicians and churches treat transgender individual and other members of the LGBTQ+ community. In the movie, an African-American maid and nanny named Aibileen Clark, played by Viola Davis, helps to raise a young white girl named Mae Mobley, played by Eleanor Henry. In her role as a nurturing care-giver, Aibileen attempts to speak encouragement, value and worth into the life of the young girl by having her repeat several phrases along with her. “You is smart, you is kind, you is important.” Similarly, we can tell ourselves “I am loved. I am chosen. I have a purpose.”
Be mindful of what you consume in the morning. Instead of doomscrolling or watching latest disasters on the news, start your day with some good music, read your Bible, say a prayer, or just take a long hot shower to rinse away all the negativity you might have woken up with that morning. Some days will still be hard. There will be moments when the weight of the world feels overwhelming. But even in those moments, remember: You are not alone. God sees you, He loves you, and He has plans for you. There are also people in your life who love you and care about you. There are people who make you happy, remember them. So today, no matter what you’re facing, take a deep breath and say: This is the day the Lord has made—I will rejoice and be glad in it! Thank the Lord for a new day and fresh mercies. When life feels overwhelming, God can help us focus on His goodness instead of our worries. We should fill our hearts with joy, our minds with peace, and our spirits with strength. No matter what comes our way, we can choose to trust in God and embrace this day with hope. Go forward today and everyday knowing you are deeply loved, and let that love be the reason you rise each morning with joy.
Good morning Joe. Thanks for this beautiful message and sharing of your love. I send mine out in return.
I only believe in a God of uncoditional LOvE, not in a God waiting for us to make sins or not be in the mains stream of today's white Christian supremacists.
When aknowledging that God is a suprem being over any comprehension, living our lives in confidence of that assured LOVE has no need to be all the time revisited.
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