Thursday, February 28, 2019

Pic of the Day


I don’t often get a lot of comments. At best, I get one or two per post. I know from my statistics page, that I get about 1000 page views a day, sometimes more, sometimes less, but it averages about 1000. Yesterday, I got (at the time of writing this), nine comments on my morning blog piece. That’s a lot of comments for me. If so many people are going to my blog consistently, why aren’t you commenting? Don’t think I’m scolding my readers for not commenting. I’m definitely not doing that, I’m just asking. Is it because I don’t often ask you questions? Is it because what I say is not commentable? I love hearing from you guys. It makes writing this blog more enjoyable, and I love writing this blog.

So here are some statistics. The top ten countries visiting my blog are: the United States, France, Spain, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Russia, Australia, and Italy. Y’all are a diverse group of people. I also know that over half of you use Chrome as your browser. But these are just statistics. I’d like to know who you are. I did a post years ago which I think was titled: Age, Sex, Location. So I’m asking you guys to answer this if you will (Ladies out there, since it’s impolite to ask your age, I won’t be upset if you skip that one). But I’d love it if you commented with your age, sex, location, and something about you, and if you’d like to comment about the number of comments I get, please do so. I just want to get to know my readers better. Thanks.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Pic of the Day

Wednesday’s Woes

Monday's child is fair of face
Tuesday's child is full of grace
Wednesday's child is full of woe
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
And the child that is born on the Sunday
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

What a terrible nursery rhyme, but one that I not only have heard often, it often echoes in my head.  You see, I was born on a Wednesday. I have also suffered from depression since I was a teenager, thus being “full of woe.” I think I should have been born on a Sunday. I am gay after all, but woe is me, I was born on a Wednesday. I would love to know what day of the week you were born on. If you don’t know, you can always find out by using a perpetual calendar, such as this one in which you put in your year and a year-long calendar appears. So what day of the week were you born and is this nursery rhyme a fitting example of your personality?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Pic of the Day

Sometimes I Cry

Sometimes I Cry
By DJ 

I told a million lies now it’s time to tell a single truth
Sometimes I cry
It’s hard dealing with my pride
Not knowing whether to fight or flee
Sometimes I cry
Hard to maintain this image of a tough guy
When deep down inside I am terrified
If I ever told you I wasn’t scared I lied
Struggling to make it back
To society and my family
I cry
I cry for my son who I barely see
Due to these mountains
And me and his mom’s beef
I cry for my siblings who never knew their older brother
Because he stayed in the streets
I cry for my grandma who is now deceased
I cry for my life, half of which they took for me
I cry for my anger and rage
The only emotions I can show in this place
I cry for how we treat each other inside these walls
I cry for the lack of unity we have most of all
When will it end I want to know
Till then all I can do is let these tears flow

About This Poem
This poem was published in partnership with Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop, an organization based in Washington, DC. They are committed to elevating and amplifying the voices of those directly impacted by the prison system. Through creative writing, job readiness training, and violence prevention outreach, Free Minds assists members who are incarcerated or formerly incarcerated youths and adults to realize their own potential. The poet's last name is withheld on request in consideration of their privacy.

To add to this description, I think there are times we all cry. I know last week, I had a day when I just wanted to sit down and cry. There was no particular reason. Nothing bad had happened. I just felt like crying. It’s possible this was a reaction to one of my medications that can make me hyperemotional, but I think many of us have down days. If you have had days like this more often than not in the past two weeks, I urge you to seek out your doctor and let him/her know what is going on. Depression is a serious illness that can be treated.

Furthermore, sometimes we also cry for certain events in our life; we cry for our now deceased Grandmama or we cry for the pet we just lost. It may be that we miss a friend or that we feel overwhelmed. There are many reasons to cry. And do you know what the best solution is? Let yourself cry. It will make you feel so much better.

He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. 

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Pic of the Day

Genuine Affection

Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; (KJV) (Romans 12:10

How sad it is to see Christians persecuting others for their religion. Of course, it's important to share our faith, but we need to do it as a light to others through love. Desecrating other religions only ostracizes and angers its followers further from wanting to learn more about the love of Christ. Use your faith for good. Respect others and keep the golden rule in mind - love one another. 

Every so often, I get comments on my blog saying either that I should not post my religious content because I show nudity on my blog or that because I am gay, I cannot be a Christian. I think: “What Would Jesus Do?” First, I delete the comments because I don’t want the negative energy or hatefulness on my blog. Second, I think that Jesus would embrace gay people just as he did the Centurion and his lover. Faith and how we live our lives is what matters. Others opinions do not. There is only one Judge and that is the Lord, My God.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Pic of the Day

Moment of Zen: AbsolutelyBlake

AbsolutelyBlake is a Canadian YouTuber who has become popular for his original comedy videos, challenges, Q&A's and more. So far, his channel has earned more than 150,000 subscribers. His real name is Blake McPherson. Sadly, he’s straight, but loves to show his ass on Instagram. I find him extremely sexy and funny. Every time I watch one of his videos, I get addicted to watching them.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Pic of the Day

The king of the drag ball as mentioned in yesterday's post.

The Mortal Lease

The Mortal Lease

 byEdith Wharton



Because our kiss is as the moon to draw

The mounting waters of that red-lit sea

That circles brain with sense, and bids us be

The playthings of an elemental law,

Shall we forego the deeper touch of awe

On love’s extremest pinnacle, where we,

Winging the vistas of infinity,

Gigantic on the mist our shadows saw?


Shall kinship with the dim first-moving clod

Not draw the folded pinion from the soul,

And shall we not, by spirals vision-trod,

Reach upward to some still-retreating goal,

As earth, escaping from the night’s control,

Drinks at the founts of morning like a god?

Monday, February 18, 2019

Pic of the Day

Winter Is a Drag Ball: Broadway Bound

I’ve heard it’s the biggest event in Vermont. I would not disagree. The Winter Is a Drag Ball had tons of people gathered at Higher Ground in Burlington. Hosted by the LeMay Sisters, there are numerous drag and burlesque performers to entertain the crowd and plenty of dancing too. I ended up getting there an hour late because the person who I was going with couldn’t get her act together on time. Which means, I missed the LeMay Sisters main performance and I missed the performance of the drag queen I had dinner with a couple of weeks ago. We did catch a number of the acts, and we had a great time.

If you remember, the theme was Broadway Bound, a cross between Broadway and BDSM. I wore the outfit below and kept a small leather paddle in my pocket. I loved the ball gag on the shoes. Not everyone dresses up, but a good 80 percent do. I don’t know when I’ll ever wear the below outfit again, but it sure was fun to get dressed up and it not be Halloween. Mine wasn’t very Broadway character inspired, but there were lots of cats, some Hello Dollys, and a lot of Cabaret inspired clothes. The costumes went from the subdued (or dapper as someone described me) to the absolutely wild. There was a costume parade and prizes. The king of the Drag Ball was basically wearing a leather thong. He had a fabulous ass and one of the biggest packages I’ve seen outside of porn.

Anyway, it was lots of fun. Next year will be the 25th anniversary so who knows what the theme will be. I’m sure it will be fabulous and I can’t wait to go again.