Saturday, March 22, 2025

Moment of Zen: Sunrise 🌄

During this time of year in Vermont, I get to watch the sunrise over the mountains on my way to work. It’s so beautiful, and I feel lucky to see the sunrise each day.

It’s always difficult to tell if a picture is showing a sunrise or sunset, but I chose images that I thought were more likely sunrise: men exercising, in a towel after a morning shower, or looking towards the dawn of a new day.


uvdp said...

Have a nice weekend
For Christians, the first day of the week is Sunday and therefore the last day of the week is Saturday.
In France "weekend" = Saturday and Sunday (the 2 days of rest). Is it the same in the USA?

Joe said...

Yes, it’s the same here.

Fiddleheads said...

A lovely way to begin another good day.

JiEL said...

Ici au Québec les samedi et dimanche sont appelés «la fin de semaine». Certains utilisent le «weekend» de France mais on aime pas ça.

JiEL said...

No. 4 and 6 could wake me up every morning all the time..

CAAZ said...

Lovely pics, very sensual.

uvdp said...

Vous avez raison au Québec de ne pas vous laisser envahir par les anglicismes , surtout lorsque l'on a l'équivalent en français .

Anonymous said...

Wouldn’t mind walking along the sand with #3, sailing with the yachtsman at #7 and working out with the boxer at #9. :)
-CA jock

Anonymous said...

¡¡Los amo a TODOS!!