Tuesday, March 18, 2025


By Edith Wharton

Life, like a marble block, is given to all,
A blank, inchoate mass of years and days,
Whence one with ardent chisel swift essays
Some shape of strength or symmetry to call;
One shatters it in bits to mend a wall;
One in a craftier hand the chisel lays,
And one, to wake the mirth in Lesbia’s gaze,
Carves it apace in toys fantastical.

But least is he who, with enchanted eyes
Filled with high visions of fair shapes to be,
Muses which god he shall immortalize
In the proud Parian’s perpetuity,
Till twilight warns him from the punctual skies
That the night cometh wherein none shall see.

About the Poem

Edith Wharton’s poem “Life” is a reflective and philosophical piece that explores the nature of human existence, fate, and the passage of time. Wharton, best known for her novels that critique societal constraints, brings a similar depth and introspection to her poetry. The poem suggests that life does not unfold according to human expectations or desires. Wharton explores the contrast between human ambition and the unpredictability of life, a theme echoed in her novels like The House of Mirth.

There is a tone of resignation, as if the speaker has come to terms with life’s unpredictability. This reflects Wharton’s broader worldview—one shaped by personal loss, societal constraints, and the limits imposed on individuals, especially women. The poem may express skepticism about human agency, similar to existential or fatalistic themes. Wharton often wrote about characters who struggled against their circumstances, much like the speaker in "Life".

Wharton’s “Life” is a poignant meditation on disillusionment, fate, and the passage of time. The poem’s reflective tone aligns with her broader literary themes—the limits of personal choice, the illusions of control, and the inevitability of change.

About the Poet

Edith Wharton (1862–1937) was an American novelist, short story writer, and poet best known for her incisive critiques of Gilded Age society and her exploration of themes like social class, gender roles, and personal freedom. Born into New York high society, she was well-acquainted with the restrictive customs of the upper class, which she later dissected in novels such as The House of Mirth (1905) and The Age of Innocence (1920), the latter of which won her the Pulitzer Prize, making her the first woman to receive the award for fiction.

Beyond her fiction, Wharton was also a travel writer, designer, and war correspondent during World War I, for which she was honored by the French government. Her works often compared European and American cultures, reflecting her life as an expatriate in France. Though primarily known for her novels, she also wrote poetry, including works like “Life” and “A Meeting,” which explore existential themes with the same elegance and restraint found in her prose. Wharton’s legacy endures as one of the most significant literary voices of early 20th-century America.


JiEL said...

My mother passed on March 14 at 97years and her life was quite a roller coaster as with father, her life time love and us as her children, we moved around Province of Québec for over 12 time on a 20years span.
She had to adapt and make each new home the most nice for us.
Her life was filled with joy and so many adventures.

uvdp said...

Même si on s'y attend , c'est toujours une grand choc et une grande tristesse . Croyez à mes sincères condoléances . Ma mère est morte à 94 ans dans son sommeil . Nos mères resterons toujours vivantes dans nos cœurs .

Joe said...

I am so sorry to hear that your mother passed away. You have my condolences, and you are in my thoughts.

JiEL said...

uvdp Ma mère avait demandé l'aide à mourir mais finalement elle fut mise dans un coma et quelques heures après elle décédait dans ce sommeil profond. Oui ma soeur mon frère et moi avons tellement de bons souvenirs que notre mère nous a donnés. Ne serait-ce que ces beaux réveillons de Noël de notre enfance qui étaient magiques.

JiEL said...

Thank you dear Joe. She is now with my father in heaven where he is since March 25 2014. They were so in Love since 1947.