Sunday, March 23, 2025

Standing Strong in Our Identity

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”
— Ephesians 6:10-11

As LGBTQ+ people of faith, we often face struggles that test our confidence in God’s love and our own worth. Whether it’s rejection from loved ones, misunderstandings within faith communities, or the internal battle to fully embrace who we are, the journey can feel like a spiritual battlefield.

Paul’s words in Ephesians remind us that our strength does not come from human validation but from God’s mighty power. When we put on the “full armor of God,” we clothe ourselves in truth, righteousness, faith, and the assurance that we are beloved. This armor isn’t about fighting others—it’s about standing firm against the voices that try to convince us we are anything less than God’s beautifully made children.

The world may tell us we don’t belong, but God’s truth says otherwise. With His strength, we can reject fear and embrace courage. We can walk boldly in our identities, knowing that our faith and authenticity are not at odds, but rather, a testimony of God’s creative and inclusive love.

Where in your life do you need to put on the armor of God? How can you remind yourself today that you are deeply loved and divinely empowered? Remember that God strengthens us with His power. He helps us to stand firm in the truth that we are made in His image. He clothes us in faith and loves so that we may walk boldly in our identity, knowing that we belong to God.


Anonymous said...

What’s the point, most “Christians” view us as an abomination and quote scripture to enforce that view. The mask is off their “Christian Nationalism” of intense hatreds. :(

naturgesetz said...

There are lots of Christians who disagree with the ones who see LGBTQ+ folks as an abomination. IMO it's a mistake to let the prejudiced ones co-opt the name Christian as if they were the only ones, or even worse allow them to drive us away from Christianity.