Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It's Cold and Sinus Time

This is the night-time sniffling, sneezing, 
coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, 
so-I-can-go-to-bed-early last night post.


JiEL said...


WOW, I must say that you're health is easy to be attacked by the freezing weather....

Don't come here because you'll be dead in minutes... LOL!!

Joking here but it's so hilarious to see you, Americans from the «south», struggle with WINTER weather...

Your misery situations are on our news forcasts and make us smile...
It's maybe time to think that you're not only «Americans» but also «NORTH Americans» as we are also in Canada... LOL!!!

So, go to bed (less naked maybe) and take care of your «fragile» body and health.

WARM (((( HUGS ))))

Bodhisbuddy said...

Hope you feel better soon.
Beyond sympathy, I can only add that a hot shower (w/shampoo) and a bowl of Hot and Sour Soup from a reputable Oriental take-out place almost always push me over the edge and back to functionality.

Unknown said...

Hope it gets all better. I have not been sick this winter, but my energy level is lower than the temperatures here in the Midwest ...

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon. Sending you HUGS and KISSES. ❤️

Anonymous said...

Crossing my fingers, toes, far I've avoided being sick this year...but I spent all day in schools today, but not too many snotty nosed kids around to spew sneeze effluent, thank goodness!

Get well soon!
Peace <3

Anonymous said...

I have heard 'man-flu' is the worst kind but now I'm curious. How bad exactly is 'gay-flu'? ;)

silvereagle said...

Might better get under that cover

Soul Yaoi said...

Ugg same here. Hope you feel better.