Sunday, May 13, 2018

Plunge Ahead

A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident. (KJV) ( Proverbs 14:16 ) 

Do you ever get frustrated when your lack of self-control plunges you into danger? Hindsight comes and you kick yourself for being foolish. How do wise people avoid danger? They are aware of their triggers that cause a moment of weakness, such as a being angry. Often they avoid putting themselves in situations that would tempt their recklessness, as a recovering alcoholic avoids bars. Finally, they limit exposure to friends who encourage unwise choices. Which areas in life do you struggle with self-control? 


Susan said...

In the overeating area. Thanks for today's devotion, Joe. Take care.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Well... that photo makes me want to be bad.