Monday, May 18, 2020

Not Enough Sleep and the TSA

I’ve been sleeping pretty good, when I fall asleep. However, it takes me a while to fall asleep and when I do I wake up long before my alarm goes off. On Saturday, I woke at 4:30 am, and Sunday, I woke at 5:30 am. Both days I’ve awoken with terrible migraines and just wasn’t able to fall back to sleep.

Hopefully, I feel better when I wake up this morning. After five or six cancellations, I finally have an appointment to do my fingerprinting and background check for my TSA Pre Check I’ll have to go to Burlington. There is a center closer to me, but they’ve been the ones canceling on me. Finally, they notified me that the local center was closed until at least June 1 because of COVID-19. So I rescheduled for Burlington, and it looks like they will keep this appointment. It’s only supposed to take ten minutes. Hopefully, that’s the truth. Honestly, I’ve never known of the TSA to do anything quickly. I’ve been waiting on an appointment since January. But, once this is over, I can go through the TSA lines a bit quicker. 

You’d think as small as Burlington and it’s airport is, that you could go through fairly quickly, but the wait is always nearly an hour. In Burlington, you have to get to the airport at least two hours early, but it helps if you’re even earlier. When I fly out of Montgomery, Alabama, I’ve never had more than two people in front of me at the security check, which is probably why they don’t have TSA Pre Check there.


Hot guys said...

Sometimes, I also have issues falling asleep but, it's pretty rare. 😏 Think working out in the evening and getting yourself tired somehow can help. 💪🏻 Of course, could be all in you head. Not personally you but in general.

Living life better could help as well. If not, at least we did something to make our life better. 😜🤷‍♂️

Anonymous said...

Our local airport doesn't have a separate precheck line, but when I was flying back from San Diego they did have the separate line and it saved me a significant amount of time. It seems to help with the larger airports. :)

Anonymous said...

Try having a very hot bath before going to bed, Joe. It relaxes me and so helps me to get to sleep much faster. Hot showers don't work. As to the TSA, at least the appointment will get you outside and away from confinement. Have a good week, Roderick

Anonymous said...

Wait, planes are still flying?

Hey, if dying so some billionaire gets a couple grand more makes you happy...