Friday, May 15, 2020

Funny Fortune

Last night I watched Fortune Feimster’s Netflix comedy special Salty and Sweet. I laughed so hard; I was nearly crying. Have any of you seen it? Fortune is a lesbian comedian from North Carolina. She came out surprisingly a little later than I did. She was 25; I was 23. However, like me, she did not realize she was gay for most of her formative years. Living in the South, we didn’t have positive LGBTQA role models. However, unlike my situation, her family has been very accepting, and she is currently engaged to a kindergarten teacher.  

She was in shows like Last Comic Standing and Glee. She’s been a judge on RuPaul’s Drag Race and will be staring in The L Word: Generation Q. She was also in the 2019 Tales of the City. I most remember her from a short-lived sitcom called Champions. I’ve watched her on TV a few times, and I think I saw every episode of Champions which was about a flamboyant gay kid who gets dropped off to his father (who never knew before that moment he even existed) by his mother so he can attend an arts school in the city where his father lives. It as a cute show, and Fortune played a coworker of the kids very straight dad. I’ve also seen clips of her comedy shows, and she never fails to make me laugh watching her stand-up acts. Salty and Sweet was no exception. I hope I didn’t disturb my downstairs neighbor laughing so much. I really recommend anyone who wants a good laugh to watch it, especially if you’re gay and from the South.

1 comment:

Hot guys said...

Nope, haven't seen it.

At least not yet.

Sweet pic, btw! πŸ’™