Saturday, June 7, 2014

Moment of Zen: Anticipation

Sometimes, I come across a picture and it's such perfection that it takes my breath away. This was one such picture, and a friend suggested that the picture itself suggested "anticipation." I had to agree.

The thought of anticipation fit very well with my true moment of zen this week. I was sitting outside at a coffee shop at a local bookstore with a friend of mine when my friend struck up a conversation with a guy about the book he was reading. We began talking, and this man and I realized that we were both teachers and began talking about where we taught. Come to find out, he teaches at a university where I had just applied for a position, which I related to him. Then through pure coincidence, he's in town visiting with family, but is in the history department and happens to be on the search committee for the job to which I applied. We had a little mini interview and hopefully, it will lead to me at least getting an interview for the job.

So I await with anticipation to see if I hear from this job or from any of the others I applied.


silvereagle said...

Yes, It is a small world..chance encounter with a professor where you are applying...certainly can not hurt....God does move in mysterious ways...even in matters like this!!!

Michael Dodd said...

I am not one to say there are no coincidences, but there is a wondrous synchronicity in life. Of course, it may turn out that even if you are offered this position, it will not be the one that best fits you. But it does feel like things are moving in a positive direction. We all anticipate the best for you!

Anonymous said...

1. Amazing picture of perfection

2. Sometimes things do fall into our laps at the right time. I'm applying for a post that appears to have been made available just at the right time for me. We'll see...good luck...

Robert's views said...

This is more than coincidental. You asked for prayers and maybe, just maybe this was planned for you. I hope this happens for you.

Amanda said...

Lovely and yummy picture! For me there is no such thing as coincidence so you were exactly where you were supposed to be to meet that man. Good luck with all your job applications and I hope you get the job you want most. I wish I could be as assertive with my goals as you are with yours. :)

Joe said...

Thanks, Amanda. And to be assertive, you just need to set your mind to the task and it always helps to have some great friends who encourage you. That's what has given me the courage to be more assertive with my goals.

Mike said...

Good luck!!! That's awesome!!!

Susan said...

I love this, Joe! Such serendipity! :)

Richard said...

If you can't have the guy in the picture, here's a wish that you get the job you want. All the best.