Though summer isn't quite over, and if the heat wave Alabama is currently having is any indication, we have quite a ways to go. But for many people, Labor Day marks the end of the summer season. Schools used to wait until after Labor Day to start back, but I don't know any schools that do anymore. For educators and students, our summer has been over for nearly a month, if not more. I had a busy but wonderful summer and I hope all of you did as well. Here's to looking forward to the cooler temperatures this fall. I hope you've all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend, maybe some of you even went to Southern Decadence in New Orleans. One day I'm going to make it down there for that.
I'd originally planned a longer post for today but I'm having Internet issues here on the lake, so this will have to do.
Its universal. It also feels like the end of summer here in the UK. We had a heatwave recently - cue lots of cold drinks, lots of ice, and fans on all the time. Then a chilly spell and now its cool. I like the coolness of autumn, and September is often nice and warm, so we may have an Indian Summer, but for me, once we hit September we are counting down to the end of the year and making plans for another Christmas and New Year.
Its universal. It also feels like the end of summer here in the UK. We had a heatwave recently - cue lots of cold drinks, lots of ice, and fans on all the time. Then a chilly spell and now its cool. I like the coolness of autumn, and September is often nice and warm, so we may have an Indian Summer, but for me, once we hit September we are counting down to the end of the year and making plans for another Christmas and New Year.
It's been a great summer. You've been quite busy so even tho it's gone by fast I hope it's been fun and memorable. Btw Minnesota schools and university all start tomorrow. Maybe MN is the last hold out. Lol
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