Thursday, August 12, 2021

Feeling Better

Thankfully, I am feeling much better. Slowly throughout the day yesterday as I got some much needed rest, I started to feel better, and the nausea subsided. For the most part so did the headache.

By the way, if you’ve ever wondered what I wear to work (which you probably haven’t), today I’m wearing an almost identical outfit to the guy above, except that I am wearing socks. Shorter pants and no socks is just not a fashion trend I care it embrace.


naturgesetz said...

Glad you're feeling better.

I hope you don't have tats like that guy.

Joe said...

Oh Lord, no, naturgesetz. I have the one tattoo that I showed a week or so ago with the poem. It's on my upper arm. I have no desire to have a tattoo that would show like that.

Anonymous said...

Glad that your health is slow improving. You are unlucky. And of course, in respect to what you wear at work, I have seen your videos, so no need to wonder about your clothing. Roderick

Jeremy Ryan said...

We dress alike for work, "Business Casual". Glad to hear that your feeling better and I hope you continue to improve until your back to normal. Take care!