Saturday, August 7, 2021

Moment of Zen: Whatever You’d Call This

I love these pics. I love the pants, belt and shirt, not to mention the guy wearing them, or sort of wearing them in the case of the shirt. Seriously, that body is amazing. I find the pics so sexy. I just wish you could see all of his face, because this guy does have a nice face (though I can’t remember the model’s name, so I couldn’t use a face pic to prove it.

A job update: I did not get the Chicago job. They wrote me yesterday afternoon to tell me they “regret to inform you that you have not been selected” for the position.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that just awesome pic. Very sorry Chicago didn't pan out for you. Your path leads elsewhere. Take care.

JiEL said...

Sorry for that Chicago lost but sometimes Destiny has some ways to tell you what is better for you or is preparing some better things for you in the future.

I've always been granted with good news when Destiny had pushed me toward new challenges or places in my life.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you did not get the job Joe, maybe it is all for the best you never know what is round the corner.

VRCooper said...

Happy Saturday Joe,

Well, that is a kick in the pants. I had the movers lined up for ya!! But all in all, is it nice to be in the running. They thought enough of your talents to say "Let's bring this queen in for an interview. He looks great on paper." I tell folks that if an organization calls you in for an interview you essentially have the job. What they are looking for is fit.

Please enjoy your weekend.



VRCooper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RB said...

Don't give up on the job front. These museum jobs must be very competitive. Every time you go after a job you learn something. Are you sure the big city is what you want?

kent said...

hang in keep applying it only takes one acceptance.

Joe said...

Thanks, everybody. I’ll keep applying and if it’s right thing for me to leave and it’s the right fit, I’ll know it when the time comes.

RB, I’m not sure I do want to be in the big city, but I would like to be where there are more gay men. Vermont is very gay friendly, just not very gay populated.

naturgesetz said...

Sorry you didn't get Chicago, but it's not as if you were desperate to leave where you are.

Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Got turned down (or never heard back) for about 15positions BEFORE landing the $150K position that I have now and had for the last 5, keep plugging away. I always wonder what would have been if I had taken the first position at $85K...

Jeremy Ryan said...

Torso's can be hot but the one place that I see them the most is on the dating apps. Sorry to hear about Chicago. Hopefully, everything falls into place at work for you and you won't have to worry about switching jobs. If that isn't the case then just keep up the pace in applying, eventually the law of averages has to work in your favor. Keep us posted!