Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Pic of the Day


JiEL said...

The best way to swim.
Many years ago I used to swim 2KM twice a week.
In college, I was part of the swimming team and the water polo team at the same time.

I liked to go swimming naked in the pool of the 456 gay sauna in Montreal.

Too bad this sauna was destroyed because it was in an old building and the built a new one on that site but not with this nice sauna.

uvdp said...

Nostalgie , nostalgie ...

Anonymous said...

Swimming completely naked outdoors is a delightful experience. Like so many others, I worked as a summer camp lifeguard and water safety instructor while in college. On weekends all the kids were gone, and staff (guys mostly) routinely swam naked in the nearby lake —especially early mornings at first light. Nothing lurid or obscene ever happened; just a quiet, naked swim before breakfast & campsite chores.
Those were memorable days.

jos said...

Principe d'Archimède dans toute sa splendeur !