Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Debate

“First of all, it’s important to remind the former president: You’re not running against Joe Biden. You’re running against me.”


Vice President Kamala Harris went into the debate with a clear plan: let Donald Trump defeat himself. Harris baited Donald Trump for nearly all of the 1 hour and 45 minutes of their first and potentially only debate on Tuesday night – and Trump took every bit of it. While Trump spouted lies, used his usual juvenile name-calling, and and had temper tantrums worthy of a two-year old, Harris sat back and laughed, quite literally at times. She used every trick to bait him into getting defensive, cause him to lose his temper, and calling Trump out on his lies.


Harris was occasionally mocking, but she didn’t resort to the name-calling and stuck to the truth. I thought her nerves got the better of her in the beginning. I could hear the nervousness in her voice. She needed to take a deep breath and not try to get her whole answer out in one breath. It didn’t take her long to do so, and she stayed calm but authoritative. She looked like a leader. She looked healthy, young, and sane. As much as I like Joe Biden, he looked sickly in the last debate, for good reason because he was sick. Trump looked like an old raving lunatic. If you’ve ever encountered one of those street preachers who rant about “the end is near,” then you’ve seen how Trump performed, but with much more juvenile behavior.


Harris got under former Trump’s skin with a mocking comment about the attendance at his campaign rallies during Tuesday night’s ABC News presidential debate in Philadelphia. “I’m going to invite you to attend one of Trump’s rallies because it’s a really interesting thing to watch,” Harris said, looking straight into the camera. “You’ll hear about Hannibal Lecter, how windmills cause cancer, and what you’ll also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom. The only thing you won’t hear him talk about is your needs, your dreams and your desires.”


The vice president had prepared extensively for their debate and peppered nearly every answer with a comment designed to enrage the former president. She told Trump that world leaders were laughing at him, and military leaders called him a “disgrace.” She called Trump “weak” and “wrong.” She said Trump was fired by 81 million voters – the number that voted for President Joe Biden in 2020. Trump was often out of control. He loudly and repeatedly insisted that a whole host of falsehoods were true. The former president repeated lies about widespread fraud in the 2020 election. He parroted a conspiracy theory about immigrants eating pets, and lied about Democrats supporting abortions after babies are born – which is murder, and illegal everywhere.


uvdp said...

Réactions des journaux Français

- Le Figaro : Kamala Harris tient tête à Donald Trump dans un débat marqué par des attaques cinglantes .
Face à un candidat républicain semblant moins à l’aise que d’habitude, la vice-présidente ne s’est pas laissée déstabiliser, le plaçant même sur la défensive.

- Le Monde : Débat Trump-Harris : la candidate démocrate, offensive, met l’ancien président républicain en difficulté .
A moins de deux mois de l’élection présidentielle américaine de novembre, Kamala Harris a reçu le soutien de la chanteuse Taylor Swift à l’issue de son duel avec l’ancien président américain. Un appui de poids dans une course à la Maison Blanche particulièrement serrée.

- Libération : A moins de deux mois de l’élection présidentielle américaine, la candidate démocrate a dominé mardi 10 septembre son adversaire républicain, sans ressort et toujours sur la défensive. La vice-présidente a réussi à transformer le débat en une dénonciation des échecs et des controverses de la présidence Trump.

- La Croix : Débat Trump-Harris : une poignée de main, mais pas de cadeaux
Analyse Lors d’un débat animé, mardi 10 septembre, organisé à moins de deux mois de l’élection présidentielle, la candidate démocrate Kamala Harris a cherché à mettre l’ancien président américain sur la défensive. Avec succès.

JiEL said...

I did see it and it was so delicious to see Harris playing cat and mouse with Trump who was out of balance and spread as he always do so many false claims. How idiot he thinks Americans are to say that a 9 months «abortion killig new birth baby» and about eating their pets in Ohio etc... He also showed how unfit he is on international politics again praisiing USA's ennmy dictators etc.
Kamala Harris did well as she is more experienced on going on criminals and felons as she did in her past. She remained calm and it was delightful to hear her make fun out of this orange conman.
She won this debate and the tRump team seem not to be willing to go for a second debate and this shows how they saw «45» failing this one.
I'm eager to see the VP's candidates debate and sure Walz will do the same to Vance.
Vance on CNN was still saying that pets eaters was a reality...

VRCooper said...

I did not watch the debate. I could not bear to hear Mussolini Don for long periods. I did watch the analysis afterward. I say that Ms. K. deployed her plan and she was successful. She knew all the buttons to push, and traps to lay, and he fell for them every time. What got me is Jacob S.-MSNBC/NBC- had a focus group watching the debate with him and he spoke to them afterward. I can't wrap my head around folks who say they WILL vote for Diaper Don. Why? I tend to couch it as selfishness, not looking out for your fellow man. If we have Liz, Dick, and Adam K. voting for Diaper Don that should tell them something. This election is not necessarily about policy 100%, but for our democracy, what will happen if the Orange Man gets back into office? It will not be pretty. We can discuss and debate policy later. There is always more than one way to skin a cat. So to those who WILL vote for The Crazy One think twice about your choice. And don't get me started on those undecided voters. What? I guess their heads have been stuck in the sand.

VRCooper said...

Here are the translations of the French newspaper reactions to the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump:

Le Figaro: Kamala Harris stands up to Donald Trump in a debate marked by sharp attacks. Facing a Republican candidate who seemed less at ease than usual, the Vice President did not allow herself to be destabilized, even putting him on the defensive.

Le Monde: Trump-Harris Debate: The Democratic candidate, aggressive, puts the former Republican president in difficulty. With less than two months until the November presidential election, Kamala Harris received the support of singer Taylor Swift following her duel with the former U.S. president. This high-profile endorsement adds weight to her bid for the White House in a particularly tight race.

Libération: With less than two months to go before the U.S. presidential election, the Democratic candidate dominated her Republican opponent on Tuesday, September 10, who appeared lacking in energy and always on the defensive. The Vice President succeeded in turning the debate into a denunciation of Trump's failures and controversies.

La Croix: Trump-Harris Debate: A handshake, but no gifts. Analysis: In an animated debate on Tuesday, September 10, held less than two months before the presidential election, Democratic candidate Kamala Harris sought to put the former U.S. president on the defensive. She succeeded in doing so.

uvdp said...

Thank you VRCooper , I was lazy . Did you or Google translate? For me it's Google .

anonymous said...

In the debate Trump came off as a man ready to be fitted for a straight-jacket.

Anonymous said...

In Deutschland finden wir es traurig, dass einige in Amerika einen Verrückten akzeptiere haben. Ein Verrückter namens Hitler regierte einst unser Land mit denselben leeren Versprechungen, die en Amerika nicht passieren sollten.
Die Welt hat zu viel zu verlieren, wenn andere extremistische Führer von Trump ermutigt werden. Eines Tages muss die Welt möglicherweise Amerika befreien.
Lasst eure Kriegstoten nicht umsonst sterben, ihre Ehre verlangt es. Als sie Europa befreiten, befreiten auch Deutschland.

joseph said...

il y a quand même une erreur de taille -pas une fake news dont Trump est l'as des as - de la part de la candidate démocrate et vice présidente en fonction : l'analyse des taux de chômage sous l'ère Trump et sous la Présidence de J B