Saturday, September 7, 2024

Moment of Zen: Pizza, Burgers, and Beer

Sometimes, you just need some junk food.
While I think all these pictures are Yummy, if you want to see this last one uncensored, click below to see more.


joseph said...

personnellement je ne retournerais jamais dans un pizzéria si j'ai aperçu le pizzaiolo les fesses à l'air : manque d'hygiène trop flagrant !

JiEL said...

Not fan of junk food but I could EAT no.2, 8 and 9.... Love a guy without beard with a nice clean face... The last one can offer his hamburger but his «sausage» would be nice and very heatlhy to «eat» . πŸ˜‹

Anonymous said...

¡¡Maldita esa moda de mostrar bellas caras con barba y bigote!!

Anonymous said...

I'm always hungry!!!