A blog about LGBTQ+ History, Art, Literature, Politics, Culture, and Whatever Else Comes to Mind. The Closet Professor is a fun (sometimes tongue-in-cheek, sometimes very serious) approach to LGBTQ+ Culture.
Not fan of junk food but I could EAT no.2, 8 and 9.... Love a guy without beard with a nice clean face... The last one can offer his hamburger but his «sausage» would be nice and very heatlhy to «eat» . π
personnellement je ne retournerais jamais dans un pizzéria si j'ai aperçu le pizzaiolo les fesses à l'air : manque d'hygiène trop flagrant !
Not fan of junk food but I could EAT no.2, 8 and 9.... Love a guy without beard with a nice clean face... The last one can offer his hamburger but his «sausage» would be nice and very heatlhy to «eat» . π
¡¡Maldita esa moda de mostrar bellas caras con barba y bigote!!
I'm always hungry!!!
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