Mercuralia was the celebration known also as the “Festival of Mercury”. Mercury was thought to be the God of merchants and commerce as well as the patron of masturbation. On 15 May, merchants would sprinkle their heads, bodies, ships, merchandise and businesses with water taken from the well at Porta Capena. But some believe they would sprinkle themselves with another liquid as well.
Obscure sources suggest men would masturbate - an expression thought not uncommon or unseemly to the Celts - in honor of Mercury on this day because he was believed the patron of the act and that doing so would bring virility and sexual prowess. Given that May is now known as masturbation month, an auto-erotic experience could seem an appropriate Mercuralia observation…
Image: Pierre et Gilles
That's really interesting. I never knew about this aspect of Mercury's story. I have a Mercury tattoo on my right shoulder that I got because I'm a Virgo and Mercury is the astrological ruler for that sign, so I'm always interested in learning more about him. Thanks for this post!
I, for one, am properly honoring this month and Mercury on a regular basis!
Peace <3
Ace, I am glad you liked the post. I came across this and found it fascinating. I didn't really know that aspect of the Mercury story either, but I did some research to back it up and lo and behold, it was true (at least mythically, LOL).
Me too, Jay.
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