Monday, September 23, 2024

Night of Dreams

I’ve said before that I don’t often remember dreams. When I do remember them, they tend to be very vivid, at least right after I wake up. They fade as the day goes on. Last night was a night of one dream after another. They never seemed to be the same. Each dream had their own unique scenario but they had one common denominator. The dreams all featured naked men, and all the men had one thing in common. They were all uncircumcised. Most Americans are circumcised, so my personal experience with uncircumcised men is limited. Who knows why I had a fixation last night on uncircumcised men, but I guess we really never know why we dream what we dream.

Have a great week everyone!


uvdp said...

Next night, continue to have sweet dreams. Have a good week.

VRCooper said...

Someone needs to get laid is how I read it. Have a great week. :)