Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I’ve Got Nothing

I really don’t have anything to say today. The week is half over, and that also means the Republican National Convention is almost over. I have refused to watch any of the fascist rally, and I honestly have nothing to say about it today. Maybe later in the week, but I’m not in the mood nor do I have the energy to rant about Republicans today.


Michael Lucifer said...

Joe, the less said about Republicans and Trump the better, though the opposition candidate really is now far too old.

I am surprised the Constitution has not been amended to impose a maximum age at which a candidate can stand for election for president. Here in England although there is no age limit for candidates standing for Parliament, judges have to retire at 70 (though it will be increased to 75 soon).

uvdp said...

Here in France, we now think that Trump will win. But take courage, the tide can turn.
Here there is no maximum age for the president.

JiEL said...

The RNC concention in Milwaukee is just like a real big huge farce.
The cult is now inbeded in concret when even Nikky Haley is praising allegence to tRump.
De Santis is not much better.

USA is leaning more and more toward a dictatorship and many of your freedoms are now at stake.

Your people will wake up too late after November 5 and January 2025 to see the mess the country is going to be.

The «We The People» Constitution is showing its limits and is sadly outdated to be a 21st century constitution to be in phase with the way of living and culture.

So many repairs and changes should be done to modernize it.

naturgesetz said...

The problem with the U.S. Constitution is that Trump doesn't understand it or care about it, and too many of the people won't insist that he follow it and the laws. If they understood and appreciated our Constitution, they'd never vote for him.

Joe said...

The Constitution doesn’t not give an age limit on national political offices, but some states do limit judges to 70 years. Alabama is one of those states. There needs to be a constitutional amendment to put an age limit on all federal offices in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Biden is too old, but Trump is only 3 years younger. Our best hope to save the country in the short term is for Biden to win. To paraphrase Princess Leia, "Help us, Biden, you're our only hope." There needs to be MAJOR reforms in the USA to safeguard democracy. Right now it’s in peril, and I fear that once it’s gone, we will never get it back, and if we do, it will be at a great cost.

Anonymous said...

Trump es un peligro a nivel mundial, es un loco sin escrúpulos y no le importa saltarse leyes, constituciones y lo que haga falta con tal de ser él el que dirija.
Es un peligro como lo es Putin, son iguales.
