Thursday, July 18, 2024


I’m at the age when I have to have a colonoscopy, and it’s scheduled for this morning. I’m dreading having this procedure, but hopefully, it won’t be too bad.

On a more cheerful note, the guy above is the actor/model/nurse Nate Crnkovich. He was the winner of Mister Supernational, and works as a traveling nurse. Sorry guys, he appears to be straight. With all that said, he also played a model in the show Minx in which he was as a living version of Michelangelo’s David. You can see a clip of this here.


Anonymous said...

The worst thing about having a colonoscopy is the prep. You shouldn’t feel a thing but the quality of sleep is off the charts! BEST NAP EVER!

Anonymous said...


VRCooper said...

Hope everything turns out right for you!

I do not know your medical history, but did your physician discuss a stool sample instead of a colonoscopy?

JiEL said...

As said by anon 7:40AM, the preparation for this procedure is the worse than having it.
You'll have a nice dose of fantanil which will relaxe you enough so you won't feel anything.

For VRCooper, the stool sample isn't enough to see if you have some other stuff inside your colon like polyps which stool sample won't show.

Those polyps aren't dangerous but must be removed as they can evolve in cancer cells.

I know it because since 2017 I have this procedure every year but after 2021 it's going to be every 3 years. In 2017 the colonscopy showed a cancer tunmor which was removed in surgery on July 21st 2017. BTW it was with no charge here as we have our universal health care system.

JiEL said...

Good news!

Anonymous said...

¡Es hermoso!
SU torso es perfecto
¡¡LE AMO!!


RB said...

It's 45 now? I thought it was 50. I'm sure you're glad it's over.

Joe said...

RB, the American Cancer Society recommends that men who are at an average risk for colon cancer begin screening at age 45 and then receive a colonoscopy once every 10 years until age 75 if they are in generally good health. Some sources say 50 is the age, but my doctor told me 45.

I am glad it’s over and very glad I don’t have to do this again for another 10 years.