Monday, August 26, 2024

Calm Before the Storm

I’m relaxing this morning with a cup of tea and my breakfast. Sadly, I’m not as relaxed as the young man in the picture above. Today, should be a somewhat busy day. Students began returning to campus last week, and classes begin again today. I enjoy the students being back. It breathes life back into the campus. We have very few students on campus in the summer, so it’s mostly a quiet time, though this has been a much busier summer than I expected. With classes starting back up, it means that classes at the museum will be happening again. I love teaching at the museum, so I’m looking forward to a new semester with the students.


uvdp said...

The return of the sexy students... lots of crushes last year, Joe?
Even in France we say "crush", if we want to avoid the Anglicisme, we must say "beguin" ( lively and fleeting love ) .

VRCooper said...

Here's to another year!! What an excitement to meet new students as they continue their life's journey. I am sure you encounter students who you know are going to go far and those who are struggling to find their place in this big world. Maybe you be a helping hand to all. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

José yo quiero a ese estudiante de la foto que esta relajándose con una taza de te. Le amo
