Friday, August 9, 2024

Weather Migraine

With Debby now a tropical depression, she’s heading my way. Though she’s expected to mainly be west of us in northern New York on a track for Montreal, we will still get a significant amount of rain. We don’t need more rain right now as some of our rivers are still high and at risk of flooding.

One of the things I do not miss from living in the South is tropical storms and hurricanes. These storms are low pressure systems which means they wreak havoc on my migraines. I’ve always had some of my most severe migraines when there are low pressure systems.

While it’s always caused migraines, it’s a bit worse these days because of the trigeminal neuralgia (TN). It’s sort of like people who have an old injury that acts up when it rains, the TN causes nerve pain in the right side of my face. Think of three electric shocks originating form about you ear and traveling to your eye, your nose, and down your jaw. 

My TN started acting up yesterday and continues this morning. Thankfully, I’m working from home today and can take it easy. I have work to do, but I can take frequent breaks when needed.

For anyone who’s had or will have effects from Debby, I hope you are staying safe, and for everyone, I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead!


Eric said...

Good morning Joe. I'm sorry to hear that Debby's air pressure changes are likely to impact your migraines. I don't have them so I can't really fathom the pain. I do have a question about treatment. There is a lot of research and new treatments for essential tremors, depression, anxiety, etc. using focused ultrasound and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). From what I've read, these new treatments have been very successful. I wonder if there are any similar research/treatments that are focused on migraines. I admit I know next to nothing about migraines, so it may already be known that these types of treatment may be completely inappropriate/ineffective.

Joe said...

Eric, I am not aware of any similar treatments for migraines. Most of the new medical treatments available are what's called CGRP inhibitors. They have proved very effective for some individuals. I take one as a pill daily, though most are given through either monthly injections or by IV infusion every three months. I also get botox which I have found helps. For the trigeminal pain, which is most associated with the weather for me, I take anti-convulsants to calm down the nerves involved. I have had ultrasound therapy for carpal tunnel issues and it helped, but I don't know if it would be helpful for migraines. I try to keep up with new treatments, so I will definitely look out for any therapy associate with the treatments you mentioned.

uvdp said...

I'm sorry for your recurring migraines. It seems that scalp massage can alleviate it and also eating gluten-free.
I suggest that your meteorologists divert Debby towards Provence: we are running out of water and it's a heatwave... LOL

Michael Lucifer said...

Joe, that zigzag dazzle decoration on the wall behind the model today is guaranteed to give anyone a bad headache.

Rob T said...

I agree that wall decoration is something to cause my head to spin. I hope you don't have further migraine pain from Debby, and it's a good thing you're home today. One of our nearby rivers is hitting the flood stage caused by Debby in a few hours, but the past two days have been bright and sunny.

naturgesetz said...

I'm glad to see that Debby has turned north. A few hours ago I saw a projection the would take it directly over Montpelier. Current projection means pressure not so low and less rain. Also it seems to be moving very fast, so it should be gone soon. Not perfect, but better than expected in earlier projections. Hope you won't suffer too badly or too long from it.

joseph said...

horrible la migraine surtout ophtalmique , enfin c'est juste un avis car la fin avec cette pique au niveau du cerveau, ouille