Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A Better Day

Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good” was stuck in my head this morning:

It's a new dawn

It's a new day…

And I'm feeling good

Over the past few days, I have had a really bad migraine. The pain and nausea on Monday were enough to keep me home from work. I was feeling some better yesterday morning, so I went back to work, but mainly it was because I had some work I needed to do and a meeting in the afternoon. 

Today, I’m again feeling better, but I still have a bit of a headache. Today is another busy day. I have a dental cleaning appointment this morning and two meetings this afternoon. Yesterday was a busy day, and it looks like today will be too.

I hope everyone’s week is going well!


uvdp said...

For me, Nina Simone is "Ne me quitte pas" : ; song , 1959 , by Gilbert Bercaud .

uvdp said...

Tomorrow: Assumption Day, non-working day in France , because Louis XIII dedicated his kingdom to the Virgin Mary : . Marie has been the main patroness of France since 1922.

joseph said...

depuis son premier tube arrivé en Europe je suis fan et pense le rester, mais il y en a tant dans ce pays du blues que ma mémoire trop défaillante (la vieillesse ou le trop d'informations à digérer) m' empèche d'encore me souvenir de leurs noms sauf Joan Baez dont on a parfois des nouvelles, et la grande Ella Fitgerald