Monday, January 31, 2022

Some Days…

There are days when this picture is a perfect summary of how I feel. Some days, I just want to come home, lay on my couch, bury my head under some pillows, and just hide from the world. At various times in my life, there were more days like this than not. Over the last few years, there were fewer such days, but the pressure of finding a new apartment has really made me anxious and stressed. Depression and anxiety always want me to retreat from the world.


naturgesetz said...

Here's hoping you'll find something soon.

Anonymous said...

Why do you have to move again?

Joe said...

Anon, I had complete assholes as landlords, who wanted someone else to move into my apartment. It worked out for the better. I love where I am living now, and I’ve been here for about a year now.