Saturday, August 13, 2022

Moment of Zen: Beards and Coffee

I haven’t always liked facial hair, but living in Vermont, I guess has changed that, since so many men up here have beards. I still don’t like the long unkept beards, like you would see on Duck Dynasty, which is so unattractive to me, but a nice well trimmed beard can be very sexy on the right man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I prefer a face without facial hair. I don't like beards or mustaches. In fact, I like hairless faces, but sometimes you can't fight against fashions and this beard fashion I think it's been going on for quite a few years now and there should be another fashion coming, but without facial hair LOL
Sometimes when you get really, really close.... A LOT to a face with a beard or a not very well done shave, it leaves your face looking like if you rubbed yourself with a steel file.
I once had to go to the doctor to fix all the abrasions I had on my face due to rubbing against a face with a very hard beard. Too bad, because the guy was awesome...
