Monday, October 31, 2022

Pic of the Day šŸ‘»šŸŽƒ


Considering what he's wearing, it could be both, but also, considering what he has behind his back, it's probably more TRICK than TREAT.


The Raven


The Raven

By Edgar Allan Poe - 1809-1849


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten loreā€”

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber doorā€”

"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber doorā€”

               Only this and nothing more."


Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished the morrow;ā€”vainly I had sought to borrow

From my books surcease of sorrowā€”sorrow for the lost Lenoreā€”

For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenoreā€”

               Nameless here for evermore.


And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain

Thrilled meā€”filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating,

"'Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber doorā€”

Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;ā€”

               This it is and nothing more."


Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,

"Sir," said I, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;

But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,

And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,

That I scarce was sure I heard you"ā€”here I opened wide the door;ā€”

               Darkness there and nothing more.


Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,

Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;

But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,

And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore?"

This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!"ā€”

               Merely this and nothing more.


Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,

Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.

"Surely," said I, "surely that is something at my window lattice;

Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery exploreā€”

Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;ā€”

               'Tis the wind and nothing more!"


Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,

In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore;

Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;

But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber doorā€”

Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber doorā€”

               Perched, and sat, and nothing more.


Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,

"Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou," I said, "art sure no craven,

Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shoreā€”

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"

               Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."


Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,

Though its answer little meaningā€”little relevancy bore;

For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being

Ever yet was blest with seeing bird above his chamber doorā€”

Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door,

               With such name as "Nevermore."


But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only

That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.

Nothing further then he utteredā€”not a feather then he flutteredā€”

Till I scarcely more than muttered "Other friends have flown beforeā€”

On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before."

               Then the bird said "Nevermore."


Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,

"Doubtless," said I, "what it utters is its only stock and store

Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster

Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden boreā€”

Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore

               Of 'Neverā€”nevermore.'"


But the Raven still beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,

Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door;

Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking

Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yoreā€”

What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt and ominous bird of yore

               Meant in croaking "Nevermore."


This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing

To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom's core;

This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining

On the cushion's velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o'er,

But whose velvet violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o'er,

               She shall press, ah, nevermore!


Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer

Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.

"Wretch," I cried, "thy God hath lent theeā€”by these angels he hath sent thee

Respiteā€”respite and nepenthe, from thy memories of Lenore;

Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!"

               Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."


"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil!ā€”prophet still, if bird or devil!ā€”

Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,

Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchantedā€”

On this home by Horror hauntedā€”tell me truly, I imploreā€”

Is thereā€”is there balm in Gilead?ā€”tell meā€”tell me, I implore!"

               Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."


"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evilā€”prophet still, if bird or devil!

By that Heaven that bends above usā€”by that God we both adoreā€”

Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,

It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenoreā€”

Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore."

               Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."


"Be that word our sign in parting, bird or fiend!" I shrieked, upstartingā€”

"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!

Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!

Leave my loneliness unbroken!ā€”quit the bust above my door!

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"

               Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."


And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;

And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;

And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor

               Shall be liftedā€”nevermore!


About the Poem


Just as itā€™s hard to post a poem about autumn without using a Robert Frost poem, itā€™s hard to post a poem for Halloween without a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Whenever I read ā€œThe Raven,ā€ I almost always hear it in the voice of Vincent Price. Is there anyone more perfect to read a Poe poem? Listen to it for yourself:

You can also hear classic readings of Poeā€™s ā€œThe Ravenā€ by James Earl Jones, Christopher Walken, Neil Gaiman, Stan Lee, or John Astin.


"The Raven" is a narrative poem by American writer Edgar Allan Poe. First published in January 1845, the poem is often noted for its musicality, stylized language, and supernatural atmosphere. It tells of a talking raven's mysterious visit to a distraught lover, tracing the man's slow descent into madness. The lover, often identified as a student, is lamenting the loss of his love, Lenore. Sitting on a bust of Pallas, the raven seems to further distress the protagonist with its constant repetition of the word "Nevermore." The poem makes use of folk, mythological, religious, and classical references.


Poe claimed to have written the poem logically and methodically, intending to create a poem that would appeal to both critical and popular tastes, as he explained in his 1846 follow-up essay, "The Philosophy of Composition". The poem was inspired in part by a talking raven in the novel Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of Eighty by Charles Dickens. Poe based the complex rhythm and meter on Elizabeth Barrett's poem "Lady Geraldine's Courtship", and makes use of internal rhyme as well as alliteration throughout.


"The Raven" was first attributed to Poe in print in the New York Evening Mirror on January 29, 1845. Its publication made Poe popular in his lifetime, although it did not bring him much financial success. The poem was soon reprinted, parodied, and illustrated. Critical opinion is divided as to the poem's literary status, but it nevertheless remains one of the most famous poems ever written.


About the Poet


Like his life's work, Edgar Allan Poe's death remains shrouded in mystery. It was raining in Baltimore on October 3, 1849, but that didn't stop Joseph W. Walker, a compositor for the Baltimore Sun, from heading out to Gunner's Hall, a public house bustling with activity. It was Election Day, and Gunner's Hall served as a pop-up polling location for the 4th Ward polls. When Walker arrived at Gunner's Hall, he found a man, delirious and dressed in shabby second-hand clothes, lying in the gutter. The man was semi-conscious, and unable to move, but as Walker approached the him, he discovered something unexpected: the man was Edgar Allan Poe. Worried about the health of the addled poet, Walker stopped and asked Poe if he had any acquaintances in Baltimore that might be able to help him. Poe gave Walker the name of Joseph E. Snodgrass, a magazine editor with some medical training. Immediately, Walker penned Snodgrass a letter asking for help:

Baltimore City, Oct. 3, 1849

Dear Sir,


There is a gentleman, rather the worse for wear, at Ryan's 4th ward polls, who goes under the cognomen of Edgar A. Poe, and who appears in great distress, & he says he is acquainted with you, he is in need of immediate assistance.


Yours, in haste,


To Dr. J.E. Snodgrass.

On September 27ā€”almost a week earlierā€”Poe had left Richmond, Virginia, bound for Philadelphia to edit a collection of poems for Mrs. St. Leon Loud, a minor figure in American poetry at the time. When Walker found Poe in delirious disarray outside of the polling place, it was the first anyone had heard or seen of the poet since his departure from Richmond. Poe never made it to Philadelphia to attend to his editing business. Nor did he ever make it back to New York, where he had been living, to escort his aunt back to Richmond for his impending wedding. Poe was never to leave Baltimore, where he launched his career in the early 19th- century, againā€”and in the four days between Walker finding Poe outside the public house and Poe's death on October 7, he never regained enough consciousness to explain how he had come to be found, in soiled clothes not his own, incoherent on the streets. Instead, Poe spent his final days wavering between fits of delirium, gripped by visual hallucinations. The night before his death, according to his attending physician Dr. John J. Moran, Poe repeatedly called out for "Reynolds"ā€”a figure who, to this day, remains a mystery.


Poe's deathā€”shrouded in mysteryā€”seems ripped directly from the pages of one of his own works. He had spent years crafting a careful image of a man inspired by adventure and fascinated with enigmasā€”a poet, a detective, an author, a world traveler who fought in the Greek War of Independence and was held prisoner in Russia. But though his death certificate listed the cause of death as phrenitis, or swelling of the brain, the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death have led many to speculate about the true cause of Poe's demise. "Maybe itā€™s fitting that since he invented the detective story," says Chris Semtner, curator of the Poe Museum in Richmond, Virginia, "he left us with a real-life mystery."


In 1867, one of the first theories to deviate from either phrenitis or alcohol was published by biographer E. Oakes Smith in her article "Autobiographic Notes: Edgar Allan Poe." "At the instigation of a woman, " Smith writes, "who considered herself injured by him, he was cruelly beaten, blow upon blow, by a ruffian who knew of no better mode of avenging supposed injuries. It is well known that a brain fever followed. . . ." Other accounts also mention "ruffians" who had beaten Poe senseless before his death. As Eugene Didier wrote in his 1872 article, "The Grave of Poe," that while in Baltimore, Poe ran into some friends from West Point, who prevailed upon him to join them for drinks. Poe, unable to handle liquor, became madly drunk after a single glass of champagne, after which he left his friends to wander the streets. In his drunken state, he "was robbed and beaten by ruffians, and left insensible in the street all night."


Others believe that Poe fell victim to a practice known as cooping, a method of voter fraud practiced by gangs in the 19th century where an unsuspecting victim would be kidnapped, disguised and forced to vote for a specific candidate multiple times under multiple disguised identities. Voter fraud was extremely common in Baltimore around the mid 1800s, and the polling site where Walker found the disheveled Poe was a known place that coopers brought their victims. The fact that Poe was found delirious on election day, then, is no coincidence.


Over the years, the cooping theory has come to be one of the more widely accepted explanations for Poe's strange demeanor before his death. Before Prohibition, voters were given alcohol after voting as a sort of reward; had Poe been forced to vote multiple times in a cooping scheme, that might explain his semi-conscious, ragged state.


Around the late 1870s, Poe's biographer J.H. Ingram received several letters that blamed Poe's death on a cooping scheme. A letter from William Hand Browne, a member of the faculty at Johns Hopkins, explains that "the general belief here is, that Poe was seized by one of these gangs, (his death happening just at election-time; an election for sheriff took place on Oct. 4th), 'cooped,' stupefied with liquor, dragged out and voted, and then turned adrift to die."


"A lot of the ideas that have come up over the years have centered around the fact that Poe couldnā€™t handle alcohol," says Semtner. "It has been documented that after a glass of wine he was staggering drunk. His sister had the same problem; it seems to be something hereditary."


Months before his death, Poe became a vocal member of the temperance movement, eschewing alcohol, which he'd struggled with all his life. Biographer Susan Archer Talley Weiss recalls, in her biography "The Last Days of Edgar A. Poe," an event, toward the end of Poe's time in Richmond, that might be relevant to theorists that prefer a "death by drinking" demise for Poe. Poe had fallen ill in Richmond, and after making a somewhat miraculous recovery, was told by his attending physician that "another such attack would prove fatal." According to Weiss, Poe replied that "if people would not tempt him, he would not fall," suggesting that the first illness was brought on by a bout of drinking.


Those around Poe during his finals days seem convinced that the author did, indeed, fall into that temptation, drinking himself to death. As his close friend J. P. Kennedy wrote on October 10, 1849: "On Tuesday last Edgar A. Poe died in town here at the hospital from the effects of a debauch. . . . He fell in with some companion here who seduced him to the bottle, which it was said he had renounced some time ago. The consequence was fever, delirium, and madness, and in a few days a termination of his sad career in the hospital. Poor Poe! . . . A bright but unsteady light has been awfully quenched."


Though the theory that Poe's drinking lead to his death fails to explain his five-day disappearance, or his second-hand clothes on October 3, it was nonetheless a popular theory propagated by Snodgrass after Poe's death. Snodgrass, a member of the temperance movement, gave lectures across the country, blaming Poe's death on binge drinking. Modern science, however, has thrown a wrench into Snodgrasses talking points: samples of Poe's hair from after his death show low levels of lead, explains Semtner, which is an indication that Poe remained faithful to his vow of sobriety up until his demise.


In 1999, public health researcher Albert Donnay argued that Poe's death was a result of carbon monoxide poisoning from coal gas that was used for indoor lighting during the 19th century. Donnay took clippings of Poe's hair and tested them for certain heavy metals that would be able to reveal the presence of coal gas. The test was inconclusive, leading biographers and historians to largely discredit Donnay's theory.


While Donnay's test didn't reveal levels of heavy metal consistent with carbon monoxide poisoning, the tests did reveal elevated levels of mercury in Poe's system months before his death. According to Semtner, Poe's mercury levels were most likely elevated as a result of a cholera epidemic he'd been exposed to in July of 1849, while in Philadelphia. Poe's doctor prescribed calomel, or mercury chloride. Mercury poisoning, Semtner says, could help explain some of Poe's hallucinations and delirium before his death. However, the levels of mercury found in Poe's hair, even at their highest, are still 30 times below the level consistent with mercury poisoning.


In 1996, Dr. R. Michael Benitez was participating in a clinical pathologic conference where doctors are given patients, along with a list of symptoms, and instructed to diagnose and compare with other doctors as well as the written record. The symptoms of the anonymous patient E.P., "a writer from Richmond" were clear: E.P. had succumbed to rabies. According to E.P.'s supervising physician, Dr. J.J. Moran, E.P. had been admitted to a hospital due to "lethargy and confusion." Once admitted, E.P.'s condition began a rapid downward spiral: shortly, the patient was exhibiting delirium, visual hallucinations, wide variations in pulse rate and rapid, shallow breathing. Within four daysā€”the median length of survival after the onset of serious rabies symptomsā€”E.P. was dead.


E.P., Benitez soon found out, wasn't just any author from Richmond. It was Poe whose death the Maryland cardiologist had diagnosed as a clear case of rabies, a fairly common virus in the 19th century. Running counter to any prevailing theories at the time, Benitez's diagnosis ran in the September 1996 issue of the Maryland Medical Journal. As Benitez pointed out in his article, without DNA evidence, it's impossible to say with 100 percent certainty that Poe succumbed to the rabies virus. There are a few kinks in the theory, including no evidence of hydrophobia (those afflicted with rabies develop a fear of water, Poe was reported to have been drinking water at the hospital until his death) nor any evidence of an animal bite (though some with rabies don't remember being bitten by an animal). Still, at the time of the article's publication, Jeff Jerome, curator of the Poe House Museum in Baltimore, agreed with Benitez's diagnosis. "This is the first time since Poe died that a medical person looked at Poe's death without any preconceived notions," Jerome told the Chicago Tribune in October of 1996. "If he knew it was Edgar Allan Poe, he'd think, 'Oh yeah, drugs, alcohol,' and that would influence his decision. Dr. Benitez had no agenda."


One of the most recent theories about Poe's death suggests that the author succumbed to a brain tumor, which influenced his behavior before his death. When Poe died, he was buried, rather unceremoniously, in an unmarked grave in a Baltimore graveyard. Twenty-six years later, a statue was erected, honoring Poe, near the graveyard's entrance. Poe's coffin was dug up, and his remains exhumed, in order to be moved to the new place of honor. But more than two decades of buried decay had not been kind to Poe's coffinā€”or the corpse within itā€”and the apparatus fell apart as workers tried to move it from one part of the graveyard to another. Little remained of Poe's body, but one worker did remark on a strange feature of Poe's skull: a mass rolling around inside. Newspapers of the day claimed that the clump was Poe's brain, shriveled yet intact after almost three decades in the ground.


We know, today, that the mass could not be Poe's brain, which is one of the first parts of the body to rot after death. But Matthew Pearl, an American author who wrote a novel about Poe's death, was nonetheless intrigued by this clump. He contacted a forensic pathologist, who told him that while the clump couldn't be a brain, it could be a brain tumor, which can calcify after death into hard masses.


According to Semtner, Pearl isn't the only person to believe Poe suffered from a brain tumor: a New York physician once told Poe that he had a lesion on his brain that caused his adverse reactions to alcohol.


A far less sinister theory suggests that Poe merely succumbed to the fluā€”which might have turned into deadly pneumoniaā€”on this deathbed. As Semtner explains, in the days leading up to Poe's departure from Richmond, the author visited a physician, complaining of illness. "His last night in town, he was very sick, and his [soon-to-be] wife noted that he had a weak pulse, a fever, and she didnā€™t think he should take the journey to Philadelphia," says Semtner. "He visited a doctor, and the doctor also told him not to travel, that he was too sick." According to newspaper reports from the time, it was raining in Baltimore when Poe was thereā€”which Semtner thinks could explain why Poe was found in clothes not his own. "The cold and the rain exasperated the flu he already had," says Semtner, "and maybe that eventually lead to pneumonia. The high fever might account for his hallucinations and his confusion."


In his 2000 book Midnight Dreary: The Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe, author John Evangelist Walsh presents yet another theory about Poe's death: that Poe was murdered by the brothers of his wealthy fiancĆ©e, Elmira Shelton. Using evidence from newspapers, letters and memoirs, Walsh argues that Poe actually made it to Philadelphia, where he was ambushed by Shelton's three brothers, who warned Poe against marrying their sister. Frightened by the experience, Poe disguised himself in new clothes (accounting for, in Walsh's mind, his second-hand clothing) and hid in Philadelphia for nearly a week, before heading back to Richmond to marry Shelton. Shelton's brothers intercepted Poe in Baltimore, Walsh postulates, beat him, and forced him to drink whiskey, which they knew would send Poe into a deathly sickness. Walsh's theory has gained little traction among Poe historiansā€”or book reviewers; Edwin J. Barton, in a review for the journal American Literature, called Walsh's story "only plausible, not wholly persuasive." "Midnight Dreary is interesting and entertaining," he concluded, "but its value to literary scholars is limited and oblique."




For Semtner, however, none of the theories fully explain Poe's curious end. "I've never been completely convinced of any one theory, and I believe Poe's cause of death resulted from a combination of factors," he says. "His attending physician is our best source of evidence. If he recorded on the mortality schedule that Poe died of phrenitis, Poe was most likely suffering from encephalitis or meningitis, either of which might explain his symptoms."


Source: ā€œThe (Still) Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poeā€ by Natasha Geiling, Smithsonian Magazine, October 7, 2014



Sunday, October 30, 2022

Pic of the Day


Then your light shall break forth like the morning,
Your healing shall spring forth speedily,
And your righteousness shall go before you;
The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
ā€” Isaiah 58:8

I developed a bad migraine last night before I could get a post written for today. When the really bad ones hit, itā€™s very difficult to think clearly. So, all Iā€™ll say is that I hope all of you have a wonderful and peaceful Sunday.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Pic of the Day

Thursday Night Football

I tried to stay up and watch all of the Thursday night football game on ESPN2, but I kept nodding off and decided to just give up and go to bed. As much as I love college football, the night games are not the easiest to be able to stay up to watch, and as I said yesterday, itā€™s been a busy and exhausting week. I plan to get some rest this weekend. I wonā€™t have much football to watch on Saturday. Auburn is the only one of the teams I watch that is playing on Saturday. Alabama is not playing this weekend. Auburn has been less than great this year, much less, actually. So, I doubt Iā€™ll pay a lot of attention to the game. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Pic of the Day

What A Week!

Have you ever been so tired that when you finally crawl into bed to get some sleep, you canā€™t get your body to actually settle down and let you sleep? I have basically gone to bed each night since Sunday completely exhausted to the point that I donā€™t even feel Iā€™m in my body anymore or that I just canā€™t control it like I should be able to. Iā€™ve gone to bed, and whereas I usually fall asleep within a few minutes, Iā€™ve been tossing and turning trying to get my body to settle down and get comfortable. Each night it has, but Iā€™m still feeling exhausted in the morning. I havenā€™t really felt that way since I started using my CPAP. Usually, I get up with Isabella sometime between 4 am and 5 am, but either she has sensed that Iā€™m tired or she tried to wake me to no avail. I have woken each morning this week with my alarm that I set for 5:15 am. Iā€™m usually up well before it goes off. Hopefully, I can get some much needed rest this weekend. Iā€™m taking off Friday afternoon for my second monkeypox vaccine dose, so hopefully that will give me a head start on resting my weary bones.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Pic of the Day

Annabel Lee


Annabel Lee

By Edgar Allan Poe - 1809-1849


It was many and many a year ago,

   In a kingdom by the sea,

That a maiden there lived whom you may know

   By the name of Annabel Lee;

And this maiden she lived with no other thought

   Than to love and be loved by me.


I was a child and she was a child,

   In this kingdom by the sea:

But we loved with a love that was more than loveā€”

   I and my Annabel Lee;

With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven

   Coveted her and me.


And this was the reason that, long ago,

   In this kingdom by the sea,

A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling

   My beautiful Annabel Lee;

So that her highborn kinsman came

   And bore her away from me,

To shut her up in a sepulchre

   In this kingdom by the sea.


The angels, not half so happy in heaven,

   Went envying her and meā€”

Yes!ā€”that was the reason (as all men know,

   In this kingdom by the sea)

That the wind came out of the cloud by night,

   Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.


But our love it was stronger by far than the love

   Of those who were older than weā€”

   Of many far wiser than weā€”

And neither the angels in heaven above,

   Nor the demons down under the sea,

Can ever dissever my soul from the soul

   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:


For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams

   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes

   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side

Of my darlingā€”my darlingā€”my life and my bride,

   In her sepulchre there by the sea,

   In her tomb by the sounding sea.


About the Poem


"Annabel Lee" is the last complete poem composed by Edgar Allan Poe. Like many other of Poeā€™s poems, including "The Raven." "Ulalume," and "To One in Paradise," "Annabel Lee" hauntingly follows the theme of the death of a beautiful woman, which Poe called "the most poetical topic in the world." In ā€œAnnabel Lee,ā€ the narrator fell in love with Annabel Lee when they were young He loves her so strongly that even angels are envious. He continues to love her even after her death. 


Scholars debate who, if anyone, was the inspiration for "Annabel Lee." Like women in many other works by Poe, she marries young and is struck with illness. Many women have been suggested, but Poe's wife, Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe, is one of the more credible candidates. The couple were first cousins and publicly married when Virginia Clemm was 13 and Poe was 27. Biographers disagree as to the nature of the couple's relationship. Though their marriage was loving, some biographers suggest they viewed one another more like a brother and sister. In January 1842, she contracted tuberculosis, growing worse for five years until she died of the disease at the age of 24 in the family's cottage, at that time outside New York City.


A local legend in Charleston, South Carolina, tells the story of a sailor who met a woman named Annabel Lee. Her father disapproved of the pairing, and the two met privately in a graveyard before the sailor's time stationed in Charleston was up. While away, he heard of Annabel's death from yellow fever, but her father would not allow him at the funeral. Because he did not know her exact burial location, he instead kept vigil in the cemetery where they had often secretly met. There is no evidence that Edgar Allan Poe had heard of this legend, but locals insist it was his inspiration, especially considering Poe was briefly stationed in Charleston while in the army in 1827.


The poem focuses on an ideal love that is unusually strong. The narrator's actions show that he not only loves Annabel Lee, but he worships her, something he can only do after her death. The narrator admits that he and Annabel Lee were children when they fell in love, but his explanation that angels murdered her is in itself childish, suggesting he has failed to mature since then. His repetition of this assertion suggests he is trying to rationalize his excessive feelings of loss. Unlike "The Raven," in which the narrator believes he will "nevermore" be reunited with his love, "Annabel Lee" says the two will be together again, as not even demons "can ever dissever" their souls.


Poe wrote "Annabel Lee" in 1849. The poem was not published until shortly after Poe's death that same year.


About the Poet


Edgar Allan Poe (January 19, 1809 ā€“ October 7, 1849) was an American writer, poet, editor, and literary critic. Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and macabre. He is widely regarded as a central figure of Romanticism in the United States and American literature. Poe was one of the country's earliest practitioners of the short story and is considered to be the inventor of the detective fiction genre, as well as a significant contributor to the emerging genre of science fiction. Poe is the first well-known American writer to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career.


I am not going to go into great detail about Poeā€™s life. It was a life filled with much sadness, as can be seen in many of his poems. However, I will relate one of my favorite stories about Poe. After accruing substantial gambling debt during his freshman year at the University of Virginia, an 18-year-old Poe found himself desperate for financial stability. Like any reasonable teenage poet with massive debt and a gambling addiction, he joined the Army. Poe enlisted as an artilleryman and soon distinguished himself enough to become an artificer, a respected billet for someone with a mechanical mind adept at preparing explosives. Just two years into his five-year enlistment, Poe was promoted to sergeant major, the senior rank for noncommissioned officers. Despite excelling in the Army, Poe felt he had served ā€œas long as suits my ends or my inclination,ā€ and began searching for an early way out. He found an unorthodox solution through an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point.


Poe traveled to West Point and enrolled as a cadet on July 1, 1830. Poe did well academically but was soon undone by continued quarrels with his foster father and money problems. During his first term, he decided to leave West Point but could not resign without the consent of his foster father. When Allen did not consent, Poe set out to get himself court-martialed and dismissed. In his seven months at West Point, he accumulated an impressive recordā€”though not of the sort to which a cadet usually aspired. The Conduct Roll for Julyā€“December 1831 lists the number of offenses committed by cadets and their corresponding demerits. Poeā€™s name appears about midway down the list of top offenders, with 44 offenses and 106 demerits for the term. The roll for January alone shows Poe at the top of the list with 66 offenses for the month. It would appear that Poe was trying very hard to get kicked out of West Point. Legends of his misconduct range from him being constantly drunk to him showing up for formation naked. The story goes that West Pointā€™s regulations for cadets stated that cadets must attend formation in belt, gloves, and boots (or something to that effect). Poe supposedly showed up in a belt, gloves, boots, a smile, and nothing else. However, there is no mention in West Pointā€™s official records of Poe reporting for drills in ā€œa belt, gloves, boots, a smile, and nothing else,ā€ as has often been rumored and given as a reason for his expulsion, but trust me, a lot of things at military academies donā€™t go in the official record. On February 8, 1831, he was tried for gross neglect of duty and disobedience of orders for refusing to attend formations, classes, or church. He tactically pleaded not guilty to induce dismissal, knowing that he would be found guilty.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Pic of the Day

Headache Relief

Today will be filled with medical appointments. This morning, I have my next VYEPTI infusion for my headaches at the hospital. Basically, they will hook me up to an IV, and I will sit there for 30 minutes or so while I receive the medicine. It was mildly helpful last time. It lessened my headaches for about two months, though it didn't help much when there were weather changes. Since I've reached my insurance's out-of-pocket maximum for medical expenses, this won't cost me anything. The last treatment was over $1400. I will have to talk to my neurologist at the Headache Clinic to see if there is any assistance to pay for the treatment. Otherwise, I will have to discontinue it. I am far from wealthy and meeting my out-of-pocket expenses every year is not a feasible option.

After my infusion, I will get lunch and then head to the headache clinic, where I have a follow-up appointment with my neurologist. We will discuss how effective the VYEPTI was, and I will discuss with her the expense of the medication. The Headache Clinic I go to is well-versed in all things headache related, as it should be. If there is a solution for financial assistance, they should know what it is. I wish insurance companies in the United States weren't able to dictate treatments instead of doctors. It's very frustrating when there are mountains of medical bills to pay, even when you have insurance. So please vote for Democrats and Progressives in the general election next Tuesday. We are all (except for the super-wealthy among us, but I am guessing no super-wealthy person reads this little blog) fucked if Republicans gain control of even one chamber of Congress.

After my headache appointment, I will head over to Target to get a few things. I might as well go while I am in New Hampshire. I may even go by HomeGoods, which is one of my favorite stores. I'll probably go home after that. Quite frankly, all of that is enough for one day.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Pic of the Day


Ointment and perfume delight the heart, and the sweetness of a manā€™s friend gives delight by hearty counsel.
ā€”Proverbs 27:9

Friendship is truly one of the greatest gifts in life. In our friends we find trusted companions who know us and love us for who we are, no matter what. Friendship can also be challenging and messy, as it takes a lot of work to keep relationships with friends happy and healthy, but our friends are the people who get us through rough timesā€”the people who very often come to us with compassion. They always have the right words because they know our needs. Iā€™ve never heard anyone say they wish for fewer, less-meaningful relationships. Each one of us longs to be more connected, more deeply, with friends. And this is because God made us for true friendship.


Proverbs gives us wisdom for navigating the complexities of our relationships. And it doesnā€™t just address relationships in general, but also friendship in particular. For example, it teaches us what to look for in finding true friends. Proverbs 13:20 says, ā€œHe who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed,ā€ and Proverbs 22:24-25 tells us, ā€œMake no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul.ā€ 


We often treat relationships as consumers: we befriend for the benefits we receive. But like a contract, when the relationship doesnā€™t give us the goods we want, we leave. However, the Bible shows us that real friendship is more covenantal than contractual. Proverbs 18:24 teaches us, ā€œA man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.ā€ God commands us in Proverbs 27:10, ā€œDo not forsake your own friend or your fatherā€™s friend, nor go to your brotherā€™s house in the day of your calamity; better is a neighbor nearby than a brother far away.ā€ God warns us in Proverbs 19:4 about the fickleness of fair-weather friends: ā€œWealth brings many new friends, but a poor man is deserted by his friend.ā€


Our greatest joy is found in our fellowship with God and one another. This is why Jonathan Edwards said that friendship is ā€œthe highest happiness of moral agents.ā€ According to the Bible, our chief happiness is in fellowship and friendship.The Bible gives us everything we need to recover a greater vision of true friendship. It shows us even our feeblest of efforts at forging friendships echo a more glorious realityā€”every friendship is a small and imperfect echo of God, who made us in his image to enjoy friendship forever. Friendship didnā€™t come from us; it came from God. And he gives us everything we needā€”through his word and his Spiritā€”to cultivate it well, for the glory of God.


Friends bring us great comfort in times of need, and the Bible tells us about the importance of our friendships. Godā€™s Word can also be a great comfort in itself. Gary David Comstock wrote in Gay Theology Without Apology, ā€œInstead of making the Bible into a parental authority, I have begun to engage it as I would a friend- as one to whom I have made a commitment and in whom I have invested dearly, but with whom I insist on a mutual exchange of critique, encouragement, support, and challenge. Such investment and commitment hinge on deeply felt and shared experience, meaning, and outlook- a cooperative project to live fully that both changes and remains steady through joys and sorrow."

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Pic of the Day

Moment of Zen: Cooking

I was talking to a friend the other day, and we were talking about southern food, my blog, etc. I told him that if I were to post my true ā€œMoments of Zen,ā€ it would always be about cooking. All the Moment of Zen posts interest me, but what truly calms me more than anything and puts me in a Zen-like state, is cooking. Whether itā€™s a simple recipe that takes time, a quick and easy recipe, or a complex and time-consuming dish, cooking it what centerā€™s menu and allows me to let the rest of the world go away for a bit. Now, if I could just find a man to cook for. As they say, ā€œThe way to a manā€™s heart is through his stomach.ā€ If a man would give me a chance, my cooking could have him hooked forever.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Pic of the Day

Rough Day

Wednesday evening, I had my COVID booster and flu vaccination. The actual shots themselves werenā€™t too bad, even if the pharmacist who gave them to me was not the friendliest person Iā€™ve ever met. He was young and cute but didnā€™t even smile once. Anyway, thatā€™s not the point. Yesterday, I had my usual reaction to the COVID booster. It began with a bad headache and body aches. All of my joints hurt. Then, came the fever. My skin felt like I had pins sticking in me everywhere. By last night, my fever had reached over 100, and I went to bed at 7:30 pm. I woke several times, but eventually went to sleep for good around 10 pm. 

Thankfully, this morning, I feel much better. The fever and body aches are gone. The headache isnā€™t completely gone, but does that surprise anyone? I almost always have a migraine. It comes with having ā€œchronicā€ migraines. On Monday, I will go for my next VYEPTI infusion in the morning and see my neurologist in the afternoon. Last time, the VYEPTI provided some relief, so I hope it will this time as well.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Pic of the Day

Jon Gomez by Joan Crisol

The Naked Gunner

You have probably all seen this photograph by Horace Bristol form 1944. It has been widely reproduced and viewed as a symbol of bravery, loyalty, and erotic masculinity. In October 2020, the photo was included in a Sothebyā€™s auction of Classic Photographs. Lot 13, ā€œHORACE BRISTOL | PBY BLISTER GUNNER, RESCUE AT RABAULā€ sold for $ 27,720, well over the estimate of $ 8,000-$12,000.


ā€œPBY Blister Gunner, Rescue at Rabaul, 1944ā€ is one of the most iconic photos of the Pacific War. But the identity of the ā€œNaked Gunner,ā€ as it is popularly known, remains a mystery to this day. The photo was taken by Horace Bristol (1908-1997), a founding photojournalist for the illustrious Life magazine. In 1941, Bristol was recruited to the U.S. Naval Aviation Photographic Unit, as one of six photographers under the command of Captain Edward J. Steichen, documenting World War II in places such as South Africa and Japan. It is not known if the Bristol ever asked the soldier for his name as he captured his image. Sadly, we will never know. Bristol died in 1997, having kept a discreet silence on the bomberā€™s identity if, indeed, he ever knew it.


Bristol ended up being on the plane the gunner was serving on, which was used to rescue people from Japanese-held Rabaul Harbor (New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea) when this photograph was taken. In an article from a December 2002 issue of B&W Magazine he remembers: 

ā€œā€¦we got a call to pick up an airman who was down in the Bay. 


ā€œThe Japanese were shooting at him from the island, and when they saw us, they started shooting at us. The man who was shot down was temporarily blinded, so one of our crew stripped off his clothes and jumped in to bring him aboard. He couldnā€™t have swum very well wearing his boots and clothes. 


ā€œAs soon as we could, we took off. We werenā€™t waiting around for anybody to put on formal clothes. We were being shot at and wanted to get the hell out of there. The naked man got back into his position at his gun in the blister of the plane.ā€ 

The fearless airman was deployed as part of a rescue campaign known as Operation Dumbo. Dumbo was the code name used by the United States Navy during the 1940s and 1950s to signify search and rescue missions, conducted in conjunction with military operations, by long-range aircraft flying over the ocean. The purpose of Dumbo missions was to rescue downed American aviators as well as seamen in distress. Dumbo aircraft were originally land-based heavy bomber aircraft converted to carry an airborne lifeboat to be dropped in the water near survivors. The name "Dumbo" came from Walt Disney's flying elephant, the main character of the animated film Dumbo, appearing in October 1941. The campaign saved many Americans and their allies from a watery grave.


The PBY Catalina (a waterbomber) for which the naked man was a gunner, was an amphibious aircraft, recognized and celebrated by American aviators and flight crews for its vast range and endurance. According to the PBY Naval Air Museum, Washington website, the ā€˜versatileā€™ aircraft was capable of dropping ā€œtorpedoes, depth charges and bombsā€ while providing defense for their crews from ā€œmultiple high-caliber machine guns.ā€ The airborne fleet, designed by Isaac Machlin Laddon and manufactured by the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation, was used all over the world, but particularly in coastal areas, to ā€œpatrol for enemy fleets and perform rescues.ā€


You can see more of Bristolā€™s photographs if you go to

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Pic of the Day

Heā€™s cute, but he has a few too many tattoos. However, I love the Don Quixote and Sancho Panza tattoo on his chest.

Rainy Days

Weā€™ve been getting a lot of rain lately, and itā€™s been terrible for my migraines. Yesterday, I had to come home at lunchtime because my head was hurting so bad. I will be seeing my neurologist on Monday, and weā€™re going to have to have a discussion about this.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Pic of the Day

Barnes & Noble, 1999

Barnes & Noble, 1999

By JesĆŗs I. Valles


I was a boy in a bookstore, ā€œa bathhouse,ā€ Iā€™ll joke

when I am older. But then, I wasnā€™t. I was in a gallery

of things to be cracked open; all their spines & mine.

I tell you, I was a hungry pickpocket, plucking

what language I could from books & men who stood hard

before me. This is what it means to be astonishing;

to thieve speech and sense from the undeserving.

I tell you, I was a boy and they were men, so all

the words I know for this I made into small razors,

some tucked between my teeth, under my tongue,

and when they said what a good mouth I had,

I smiled, the silver glint of sharp things in me

singing, ā€œIā€™ll outlive you. Iā€™ll outlive all of you.ā€



About the Poem


ā€œDuring a writing workshop, I was asked to write an ode to my younger self. I quickly became envious of that past-me, of the haphazard bravado and willfulness that allowed me to explore my queerness in the aisles and shelves (and bathrooms) of that bookstore where words broke me open, where worlds broke open. In revisiting this site and self, I also found a lasting resentment and latent pity for the adult men who were willing to usher me in this way, for their aging bodies, for that bookstore (which is now a Ross Dress-For-Less), for all our lost selves.ā€ā€”JesĆŗs I. Valles


Back in 1999, I was in college in Alabama. There wasnā€™t much of a gay scene, and I was still trying to understand and coming to terms with my sexuality. The only place I knew where gay men regularly congregated, besides the newspaper office at my college, was the local Barnes & Noble. I could peruse the books and the men. I bought my first gay book (Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin) at that bookstore. I never talked to any of the gay men at the bookstore; I was far too scared and shy to do anything like that. This poem really speaks to me in so many ways. The poem begins with ā€œI was a boy in a bookstore, ā€˜a bathhouse,ā€™ Iā€™ll joke when I am older.ā€ Iā€™ve also always loved books, so Barnes & Noble combined my love of books with my first baby steps towards understanding my sexuality.


By the way, the other book that I clandestinely purchased at that Barnes and Noble was Finding the Boyfriend Within: A Practical Guide for Tapping into Your Own Source of Love, Happiness, and Respect by Brad Gooch. This book was billed as a guide for gay men searching for greater self-acceptance. Gooch advised his readers to live every day as if they were expecting to entertain a dream lover for tea or dinner. I learned a lot about accepting myself for who I was first. I had to learn to love myself and come out to myself before I could venture into the real world of gay men perusing bookstores.


It might not sound like much, but that local Barnes & Noble helped to change my life and to allow me to accept who I am.


 About the Poet


JesĆŗs I. Valles is a queer, Mexican immigrant writer-performer from Ciudad JuĆ”rez, Chihuahua, and El Paso, Texas. The recipient of fellowships and support from CantoMundo, Lambda Literary, the Sewanee Writersā€™ Conference, Idyllwild, Undocupoets, and Tin House, they live on stolen Pequot, Nipmuc, Niantic, Narragansett, and Wampanoag land.