Even if I had not seen the forecast and already knew the temperature was going to plunge over the next 24 hours, I’d have known there was drastic weather changes coming. Since I started taking Vitamin B2 and Magnesium Oxide to help with my migraines, I have had fewer headaches, even when we had changes in the weather. However, last night there was so much pressure in my head that f felt like it might burst. I guess when the temperature drops over 50 degrees n less than 24 hours and quick moving snow squalls come through in the middle of the night, my sinuses are going to know it’s coming. When I head out for work in the morning, the temperature is supposed to be -7 degrees (-22 C) with a windchill of -27 degrees (-33 C). By the time I leave work tomorrow, it will have dropped to -16 degrees (27 C) with a windchill of -40 degrees (-40 C [yes the numbers are the same at that temperature]). I had to get out my heavy parka for today. Once I get home tonight, I will not be venturing outside again until Sunday when we will have “warmer” temperatures with a high of 34 degrees. It’s amazing how drastically the temperatures can change in Vermont.
LOL! Yes with those low freezing temperatures that's why we live in NORTH America..
But for now since the beginning of winter we didn't have many such cold temperature.
Two days to stay inside and do some coocooning is just nice too.
Too bad I'm single and alone.
Having a nice man in my bed could be very warmong for me and my heart.
But at my age all this is just fantasy and memories of my past.
Isn't the change in atmospheric pressure causing your migraines?
Yes, uvdp, atmospheric pressure causing my migraines, though with the addition of the B2 and magnesium, it seems to be a lessening factor. Only extreme changes seem to effect it, at least so far.
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