Friday, October 20, 2023

Regular Work Day

Normally, I work from home on Fridays, but today is different. I worked from home in the afternoon on Tuesday and Thursday, because I knew I’d have to go into the office today. There is an event/meeting in the museum this morning, and I have to be in early to let the caterers in so they can set up before the meeting. I usually get to work at 7:30 am (except on my teaching days when I try to get there at 7 am to prepare for class). My coworkers usually arrive after 8 am when we open. I don’t know what they do when I’m not there, probably open late. Anyway, since the caterers are coming at 7:40 and I normally get there at that time, I said I’d work at the museum today instead of my usual WFH day. Sometimes, I’m too nice to my coworkers, who, quite honestly, don’t deserve it. Oh well, hopefully, I’m building up some good karma.