Monday, November 22, 2021

A Week of Thanks

We always have the option to look at this world as a glass half full or a glass half empty. It’s in my nature to look at the world as a glass half empty, but I try to be more positive and optimistic. We could dwell on a pessimistic view of our lives and the world that surrounds us, or we could look at what surrounds us and be thankful for what we have. Thursday is Thanksgiving in the United States, and this week I want to dwell on what is good in my life. 


BosGuy said...

I'm happy to hear you're going to focus on what you're thankful for. I have a lot to be thankful for and I'm betting some of these might be on your list as well:
+ the health & well-being of my family and friends
+ making it through the pandemic (I can't help but feel we are over the hump)
+ an adult in the White House who is focused on helping all Americans

Joe said...

BosGuy, I am thankful for all three of the things you listed. While we. may not always think about it, we do all have a lot to be thankful for.

uvdp said...

Don't forget to give us your menu of Thanksgiving . Unfortunately, there is no such celebration in France. Still turkey? In exchange, I will give you the list of 13 Provencal Christmas desserts.

Joe said...

I will give my Thanksgivng menu on Thursday, uvdp. There will be no turkey this year, although that is traditional. I've never been very successful cooking turkey and to be honest, it's not one of my favorite things. I will be roasting a whole chicken instead. At least it's still a bird, LOL.