Thursday, January 5, 2023

My Wrist

All went well with the orthodontist yesterday. A hot x-ray tech (He was tall, handsome with curly dark hair, and a nice butt.) took some better images of my hand and wrist. The orthopedist then showed me the x-tays, having to blow up one of them to a larger image so I could see where the small fragment broke off. She put me in a brace that I can remove. She said that she’d put a cast on it if I wanted her to, and I said, “No thank you.” Apparently, this small chip will heal in about six weeks. I’m not sure if that includes the three weeks since it happened or an additional six weeks. 

Regardless, she said it is going to be slightly swollen and hurt but it will eventually heal on its own. She said it shouldn’t bother me too much except that I shouldn’t do any yoga or push-ups until it’s healed because that would be painful. I told her that she didn’t have to worry about that. I told her that writing, especially signing my name hurt the most, and she said that was normal. The motions involved using that little bone I broke, but it would not damage it any further. If my wrist begins hurting worse or it’s not better in six weeks to call her back and she’d look at it again, but she didn’t foresee any problems.


BosGuy said...

Yikes... I'm working my way backward here with your posts after a busy week and hope you're feeling a bit better now.

DorΓ©us said...

I had a similar injury three years back after falling in an icy parking lot. I initially thought it was only a sprain and discounted it until, by evening, it was starting seriously to swell and turn a vicious colour. In emergency, they did not have removable splints, so I ended up in a cast for a few days... and at my first follow-up appointment requested a removable device (it was my first time having anything in a cast; I was not ready for the itch and smell). It took about a month and a half fully to heal. The most annoying part was how it impacted typing. Also, I had to move house in the middle of this and carry dozens of boxes with my books (I'm a historian too). I am a wee bit older than you are, I think, so six weeks total sounds about right, but you will know when it gets better. I hope it gets better soon!

Anonymous said...

From my own experience as a patient and as a worker in a physiotherapy clinic, these types of injuries are very heavy. They take a long time to heal definitively and there is always some painful or annoying sequelae. You have to heal that injury well or else you will always be annoyed with that joint, take my advice!

Ángel Martín Artima