Monday, January 9, 2023

Ugh! It’s Monday

Like the majority of people who work weekdays and are off on weekends, I hate Mondays. Back when I was in school, I was always full of dread on Sunday nights. I knew I’d have to go to school the next day. It wasn’t any better when I was teaching. Having to face those hellions I tried to teach was enough to drive anyone crazy. I love my current job, though of course there are things that drive me crazy there too. It’s just that after being off for the holiday break, I didn’t get back into the swing of things last week. I only worked in my office half a day last week: migraine, work from home, medical appointments, etc. So, this is really my first Monday back at work.

I’ll be going in late because I have an 8 am doctor’s appointment for a regular checkup. I had my annual bloodwork done last week, so I have an appointment to talk over the results with my doctor and check on other things. One good thing is that he will probably take me off my diabetes medication. My A1C is still low (5.7), and he’d said last time that if it was still under 6.0, he’d declare me a diet controlled diabetic. We’ll see if that happens. I like my doctor and have a great relationship with him, and for the first time in my life, I can be completely open and honest with him and he’s a good listener.

So, even though I didn’t want to get up this morning, it is Monday after all, hopefully, the week will go smoothly. I hope all of you have a great week.


naturgesetz said...

It's also back to normal this week for Catholics who pay careful attention to the church calendar. Today is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the last day of the Christmas season. (The date changes from year to year depending on what day of the week January 1 is.) Soon Tuesday we find ourselves in "Ordinary Time," in other words, back to normal after the holiday season.

I hope the doctor's report is all good and that the work week goes well.

naturgesetz said...

*So on Tuesday*

joseph said...

I wish you the best to the doctor's report (my problems are cholesterol and thyroïd but I only take natural placebo best for the nature and my "74th aussi humour foncé")