Saturday, May 4, 2024

Moment of Zen: Books 📚

I love books, whether they are in a personal, public, or university library, in a bookstore, or just someone’s bookshelf. I love being surrounded by books. When I was in college, we had a Barnes & Noble in town, and I used to love spending an afternoon or evening just browsing the store. It was the place I bought my first gay book, Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin. B&N was also a major cruising site (in grad school it was the 4th floor of the library or the sauna in the men’s locker at the university’s gym). I have never picked anyone up in a popular cruising site, but the fantasy was always exciting.
John Waters has a very valid point!


RB said...

If you were going to author a book, what would it be? A non-fiction history book? Gay erotica? I'm wondering why you haven't tried to write a book.

Joe said...

RB, I would love to have the time to write fiction novel, and I have outlines done for them. I have part of a non-fiction manuscript written that needs more research conducted. I just haven’t taken the time to finish any of them. I also would like to take some of my Sunday devotionals and create a book of them. Maybe one day, I’ll make the time.

Anonymous said...

En mi ciudad no hay bibliotecas con chicos semidesnudos... José ¿Me llevarás a una de esas bibliotecas con hermosos chicos semidesnudos?


Anonymous said...

¡¡¡Me olvidaba decir que yo les amo a todos!!!


joseph said...

Joe, moi c'est Joseph , le Belge dit l'homme des Cavernes : j'aimerais terminer la partition musicale d'un livret dont j'ai terminé l'écriture et quasiment la découpe en scènes et décors, mais je suis un indécrottable procrastinateur ; j'ai bien essayé de trouver un aiguillon, auriez vous une idée?