Friday, May 3, 2024


This has been a long and stressful week. I was very anxious about the meetings I had scheduled for yesterday, but they all went very well. They were just long. Each meeting bled into the next until I realized it was almost 3 pm and I’d started the first meeting at 10:30 am. That made for a long day, but I came out of those meetings with more hope than I had beforehand.

So today, tomorrow, and Sunday, I plan to mostly be lazy on my couch and do some reading. I have some chores around my apartment that I need to do today, but I really don’t have any errands I have to do outside of my apartment. I’m looking forward to a weekend of rest and relaxation.

I hope all of you had a wonderful week and will have a fantastic weekend!


Anonymous said...

Al final has salido contento de todas las reuniones. Ayer estabas estresado porque temías la reacción de tu jefa, pero ya ves que has podido con todo. Me alegra mucho leer tus últimas noticias!!
Procura descansar y hacer las cosas que más te apetezcan. Por ejemplo cocinar.
Sigue así José, triunfarás.


Anonymous said...

Hermoso cuerpo e inoportuna botella... LOL
