Monday, June 17, 2024

Slept Late

It looks like it’s going to be one of those Mondays; probably, one of those week. I slept later than usual this morning. So right away, I’m feeling a bit rushed. If I was going to sleep late a day this week, I’d rather it be tomorrow or Wednesday, the two mornings this week I have medical appointments. On Tuesday, I have a 9:30 am appointment with my primary doctor, so I won’t go into work until after my appointment. On Wednesday, I have a 10 am appointment for my next round of Botox treatments for my migraines. So, on those days, I’d have had a lot more time to laze around in bed a little longer than usual; however, I know that while I may have overslept this morning, it rarely happens and almost never happens when I actually have extra time to sleep in. 

I mentioned it’s going to be one of those weeks, well that’s because I’m on two different search committees to hire positions at the university. I have a number of applications to go over and will be conducting interviews all week. In other words, it going to be busy with doctor appointments and search committee work.

I hope everyone has a great and more relaxing week and has a wonderful Monday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some say they dread Mondays.
This marine in the pic would make them say otherwise.
If I had sweet-cheeks in my bed I would be sleeping late too….:)