Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Botox Day

I went yesterday to see my primary doctor, and all went pretty well. The only exception is that his nurse needed to draw some blood for a few tests, and although she stuck the needle in me twice, she got a single drop of blood. Today, I’m getting even more shots because I’m going for my next Botox treatment for my migraines. I have had two different people give me these shots since my former neurologist left. One is a physician assistant (PA) and the other is a nurse practitioner (NP). No offense to any PAs out there, but if I have a choice, I will always go with an NP. The PA uses an older method of administering the Botox injections, and they appear less effective. They injections are supposed to last about 90 days, but when she does the injections, they seem to have little effect. When the NP has given me the injections in the past, she uses a newer and supposedly more effective technique. I’ve only had her do my Botox once, but I saw great improvement, and I am hoping that will be the case today. The PA gives the injection perpendicular to my head going straight in and remaining fairly shallow, not going in very deep. The NP gently pinches the skin and goes in at a 90 degree angle and a bit deeper. I talked to my doctor yesterday, and he suggested that it might be a better technique because it allows the Botox to distribute more evenly and get more effectively in the areas it should. I plan to ask the NP today if this might be the case. If so, and it does prove more effective, then I will be insisting she gives my injections from the on. I’m hoping I will see more relief after today’s treatment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No se que es un PA ni un NP ni nada de eso, pero ojalá tengas la suerte de que te inyecte un buen profesional y que el tratamiento sea de larga duración.
Un abrazo.


P.D.: Yo quiero una consulta con el médico de la foto..., creo que le amo.