Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Eight Years Ago ❤️🐈‍⬛

On Saturday, June 18, 2016, I brought home my faithful companion. She was a bit shy when I’d picked her out. She was the only female kitten the shelter had, and she was hiding under a chair. I coaxed her out and as soon as she was in my arms, there was no doubt that she was coming home with me.

I remember taking the picture above. She was in the bathroom of my first apartment in Vermont, and she looked up at me and gave me one of those “fierce” kitten meows. If you’ve ever had a kitten, you know exactly what I mean.
Two days later, she was still looking up at me, still just as “fierce,” and stealing more of my heart more and more every day.
By that first Friday, she was happily sleeping on my bed. That fierceness and shyness had gone away and she was just a bundle of sweetness. She’s never liked being picked up, nor does she like to cuddle, but she’s happiest if she’s in the same room as me and especially if I’m lying on my side, and she’s perched on my hip.

By the next Saturday, she was queen of her domain, and I was her loyal servant. She’s a demanding, yet benevolent monarch.

Eight years later, she has my whole heart. She’s been with me through some very difficult times and some happy times. I adopted Isabella when I was suffering from depression, the worst I’d ever had. I was lonely and sad, but she brought me love and companionship. 

She may wake me up too early to feed her. She may get upset if I don’t go to bed on time. But, she’s there to say goodbye to me in the morning and waiting at the door when I get home. 

When I have to be gone for several day, she is beside herself with joy, relief, and love when I get home. I have a neighbor who checks in on her and plays with her while I’m away, but for her, it seems, there is no substitute for me. Some cats act angry when their owner (or subject) is away, but Isabella is always chatting and affectionate when I get home. Maybe she can tell that I’m always just as excited to get home to her.

Over the past eight years, she been my joy every single day. ❤️


Anonymous said...

So sweet (“)’ and like all cats very independent :) -Rj

VRCooper said...

Happy New Home Anniversary Isabella!!

You have the man trained.

As it should be!!


Anonymous said...

Sólo las personas que vivimos con una mascota comprendemos el amor tan grande que nos une a nuestra mascota. Amor de ida y vuelta ya que nuestras mascotas también nos aman incluso más de lo que nosotros las amamos.
El mejor y mas cariñoso recibimiento es el de tu mascota, no lo olvides nunca José.
Un beso para Isabel en una de sus orejitas.


Rob T said...

Congrats to both you and Isabella on this wonderful anniversary. You two needed one another, and it is a joy for both. May you and this wonderful little baby have many more anniversaries together.

uvdp said...

Happy anniversary to you both.
As I don't have a cat, I go to a bakery that has one. Yesterday he was sleeping, I nevertheless caressed him . He put his paw on his eyes, he was very cute. I thought he didn't want to see me and that I was annoying him, but not at all: https://fr.blastingnews.com/buzz/2020/06/chat-sil-couvre-son-visage-quand-il-dort-ce-nest-pas-seulement-a-cause-de-la-lumiere-003148913.html .

Anonymous said...

Charmante :-)
-Beau Mec