Friday, September 1, 2023

Three-Day Weekend

I was not particularly happy to get out of bed this morning. I had trouble falling asleep last night, and I don’t feel like I got enough sleep. Today is going to be a pretty busy day, but at least I have a three-day weekend to recover and refresh which I’ll need because the next two weeks will be very busy week.

I also want to say that I hope all of my readers who were in the path of Hurricane Idalia are ok. Hurricanes can be rough even for those do not live right on the coast where it makes landfall.

Thank goodness it’s Friday, and if you’re in the United States, I hope you’ll enjoy Labor Day weekend. Does anyone have any special plans? I don’t have any plans, but I plan to just relax.


JiEL said...

Here also in Canada it's the Labor Day weekend but as I'm a retired teacher since 2011 every day is a holiday day.. LOL!

For you all, workers, have a nice weekend.

VRCooper said...

Hello Joe---Have a great three-day weekend---Get out and get a little sun and maybe lunch at a local hangout---Be healthy, Victor XO

Anonymous said...

Our family’s Labor Day (2023) was abruptly canceled at the last minute because of hurricane Idelia. Fortunately, we were able to reschedule everything for Indigenous Peoples Day weekend in October.

This holiday weekend will likely be spent doing some much needed yard work, gutter cleaning, and staining the deck. In the truest sense of the word, it will be focused on LABOR!

uvdp said...

In France there is only one Labor and Workers' Day: May 1, which is also a holiday.