Friday, January 3, 2025

WFH Friday

Thank goodness, I am working from home today. We got more snow last night, and I really don’t want to get out in it. Plus, I went to bed early last night because of a bad migraine. I was actually on the couch watching Jeopardy, and I fell asleep before seeing Final Jeopardy. I love watching Jeopardy, so for me to fall asleep during it, it should be a sign that I was really feeling awful. I still have the same migraine this morning.

I have a few work things I need to do today, but it’s mainly to answer some emails. However, I also need to complete some final preparations for my class that starts next week. I am both excited and anxious about my class. I have taught World History, American History, and Art History, but I have never taught a college class that I have designed myself, and especially one without a textbook. No textbook exists for what I am teaching. I have created classes from scratch for high school classes but not for college and especially not for a mix of undergraduate and graduate students. It’s a subject I know a lot about, and probably one of the few experts today on this particular subject, but it’s all rests on me. It’s a new experience and while I know my subject, I think most of us can agree that a fair amount of anxiety goes with all new experiences.

One last thing, my visit with my doctor went well yesterday. There were several things I wanted to discuss with him, and it all went well. There was a new medicine I was hoping to talk to him about for my sleep apnea, and he actually brought it up first. I have trouble with waking up with a headache due to my CPAP, so I would love to be able to sleep without it. Also, I have had shoulder pain for several months. He told me it was a rotator cuff injury, but not a tear, so it won’t need surgery (this was my biggest fear), just physical therapy and a possible injection if PT is not enough. We also discussed my mother’s dementia. He understood what I was going through because he is going through a similar situation with his own mother. All in all, it was a good visit. My A1C, heart, and lungs are all good. I did not have a comprehensive metabolic panel done, but that will be done at my next visit in four months.

I forgot to add this to yesterday’s post, but here’s your Isabella pic of the week:


Anonymous said...

It’s warm here in California and I have the day off, so it’s off to the gym for a work out and a quick lunch.
Your Isabella looks just like our cat Shadow, he is very independent and talks quite a bit.
-CA jock

CAAZ said...

WFH Fridays are the best. Glad things went well with your doctor's visit.

uvdp said...

A very thoughtful Isabella or she is cold.

VRCooper said...

Nothing but the best in the class you will be teaching---Is it not exciting---Don't expect things to be perfect---I am sure you will be tweaking along the way---Maybe it's time to look into writing a textbook---That would be challenging and fun---I am sure you know all about writing lesson plans and making classes exciting and engaging for the students---Just breath---Do you---And sparkle--Glad things went well with your physician---Happy New Year---

Joe said...

I think it will be an exciting class. Other professors in the department and some in other departments have told me that they would love to take the class. As a general rule, students seem to like me, and I hope they’ll enjoy the class. It’s just different from other classes I’ve taught, but I know the material and am enthusiastic about it, which usually translates to students being more interested in. I know for me, when a professor was enthusiastic about the topic, it made for a more interesting class.

Anonymous said...

Te admiro JosΓ©.