Saturday, August 26, 2023

Moment of Zen: Tie Dye

A friend and I are going to a couples of arts festivals today. One is the Waterbury Arts Festival, which was postponed from July because of the floods, and the Queer Arts Festival, which was just before Christmas last year. I’ve been to both of them before, and they’re a lot of fun and more so with a friend. 

These tie dye undies were the only arts and crafts pictures I could think to use. These come from the Tie Dye Undies Project.


uvdp said...


JiEL said...

OMG! Blast from the past for me.
I was at the university back in 1971-74 to do my Bacc in fine art teacher and one of the technics we had to have is «batik» which is to dye cotton or silk. The tie and die was so fun to do.

The batik technic was more of putting hot bee wax on by doing some designs and dying color, lighter ones first and after drying rewax etc,,,

I still have my works from then. This was part of the «<Peace and Love» times of my 20's time.

jos said...

dans l'air du temps depuis quelques années, les dessous masculins prennent des couleurs espérons grands teints