Monday, February 26, 2024

The Weekend That Wasn’t

I feel like this was the weekend that wasn’t. On Friday, I went to work at 7:30 am as usual, but I was working until after 9 pm. At least Isabella let me sleep in a little on Saturday; she did not afford me the same courtesy today or yesterday. Even though I slept in a bit on Saturday, most of my afternoon was spent at the museum giving tours. I always enjoy giving tours for this particular group. I generally do these particular tours a few times a year, and at least it was not a full workday on Saturday since we are currently not opening on weekends except for special occasions. (We are a bit short staffed right now.) Yesterday, I had a migraine all day. I have been experiencing a significant decrease in my migraines since my last Botox treatment, but no migraine treatment will ever be 100 percent. 

So, a new week begins. Thankfully, it shouldn’t be a busy week, just a few meetings here and there. I hope all of you have a wonderful week!


Anonymous said...

Yo te deseo una muy buena semana. Para mi lo es ya que me has escrito varios emails y eso me alegra mucho y me da fuerza para seguir adelante.
Isabel es un poco dictadora... y cruel. ¿Has probado a no dejarla entrar en tu habitación?


Joe said...

Ángel, si no la dejo entrar a mi habitación, hace aún más ruido y daña la puerta y/o la alfombra rayando la parte inferior de la puerta.

Anonymous said...

Todo parece indicar que Isabel es realmente un serio oponente...
Me temo que Isabel va muchos metros por delante de ti y sabe cómo manipularte y eso a estas alturas ya es muy complicado de solucionar.
A mi me pasa algo parecido con María, aunque no llega a esos extremos de destrozar... María recurre al chantaje emocional que es igual de poderoso.
¡Ánimo Joe!
