Friday, September 20, 2024

Glad It’s Friday

I’m so glad Friday is here; it’s been a rough week. The abdominal pain I’ve been experiencing started a week ago, and I’ve had only short periods of relief. The pain has increased at times with minor pain at other times, but it’s mostly been constant pain and discomfort. I hope today’s ultrasound will provide some answers. 

Regardless, it’s Friday, and I can take the weekend to rest and recover. Today, though, will be a long day. Work will be very busy today, and I have to take time out of this busy day to get the ultrasound. It’s basically going to be nonstop until about 6 pm or so. If the pain gets worse this afternoon, I can probably get out of the social event I’m supposed to attend for work, but I’d prefer that this pain not get worse.

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