Thursday, September 26, 2024


It started raining off and on all day yesterday, and today we are expecting constant rain throughout the day. Along with the rain, I also have a migraine. I was doing fairly well yesterday when the rain started, but just after lunch I saw an unusually bright aura, and within a few minutes, I had an awful migraine that has only gotten progressively worse. Thankfully, I was scheduled to leave work early yesterday, and I am working from home today. Luckily, I don’t have much work to do today. I have some class preparations to finish and a few emails, but mostly, I can just rest and recuperate.


Anonymous said...

How I understand you : yesterday I went from Marseille (sun 24°C) to Paris (rain 16°C) . Today, all I can think about is sleeping...
Have you used alternative medicines (herbal tea, oil, etc.) in addition?

Anonymous said...

Garçon de pluie guéris bientôt ! :)
-Beau Mec

joseph said...

I'm singing in the rain... y a t'il autre chose à faire !

Anonymous said...

José llevo tiempo sin saber de ti y ahora leo que estas enfermo. Lo siento mucho ¿cómo te encuentras? Te envío un abrazo.
