Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Up Early

Today, it wasn’t Isabella that got me out of bed early. It was me, or at least my body and mind. I woke at 3:30 am to use the bathroom and went back to bed. That’s where the body comes in. However, I could not fall asleep again. This is where my mind kept me awake. It wasn’t anything specific that was running through my mind, but I just couldn’t make my brain settle down and go back to sleep. After lying in bed for 20 or so more minutes, I just gave up and got out of bed to feed Isabella and make something for breakfast. I suspect this will be a long day.


Adam said...

Sorry for your long day, but wow! This man pictured is a stunner! So beautiful!

Jeff said...

Indeed he is!!

Rob T said...

I wouldn't mind waking up any morning with the young stud in the pic next to me.

Anonymous said...

Yo suelo dormir muy bien, aunque hay días en los que Morfeo desea irse antes de tiempo y me deja totalmente despierto sin poder volver a conciliar el sueño.
Mi receta para esas situaciones es levantarme y poner una película y por regla general suelo dormirme en pocos minutos, por ese motivo ya me preparo una especie de cama en mi sofá y así puedo abandonarme en los fuertes brazos de Morfeo cuando decide volver a mi lado.
Por cierto Morfeo se parece mucho a ese hombre de la foto... Yo no le dejaría escapar... LOL


Adam said...

Ángel, you are a lucky man.

Anonymous said...

Adán por qué dices eso???
