Friday, January 31, 2025

Not Feeling Well

I was not feeling great yesterday. I was nauseated all day and had a migraine. The nausea is better today, but my migraine is worse. I woke up at 3 am this morning and couldn’t fall back to sleep, which is not unusual when I wake up with a headache. At least I’m working from home today and can take it easy.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Fiddleheads said...

Good morning Joe. Sorry to hear of your plight. I’m in similar straits only in my case it involves a congestion I’m my nose and chest.
Wishing you well and the best for the weekend.

CAAZ said...

Feel better soon Joe.

uvdp said...

I hope you are feeling better now.

Rob T said...

SO sorry to hear about your migraine and nausea. At least you're home with Isabella for the weekend. Take it easy and relax once your work is done.

Anonymous said...

José cuidate mucho y relájate en compañía de Su Majestad la Reina Isabel.

Anonymous said...

Te iría muy bien si hicieras vahos con agua caliente en la que hayas introducido hojas de eucaliptus o la conocida VIX VAPORUT. Cuidate mucho
Ángel (España)

Anonymous said...

Amo a ese hermoso joven acostado en la cama mostrando su maravilloso culo.

Anonymous said...

Sick nearly every day......can anyone help you?

joseph said...

par solidarité - maladie oblige - que plus soit avec toi dans la grâce de Dieu (Inch Allah grâce au Dieu de David)