I wish I could have stayed in bed today. Going back to work these past two days has worn me out. I am constantly exhausted, and even though I was so tired yesterday, I felt like I could barely hold up my head last night, I had trouble falling asleep. Then, I woke up earlier than usual this morning with a migraine and could not fall back to sleep, especially since Isabella realized I was awake and wanted to be fed. I wish I could stay home today and get some rest; however, I have a couple of meetings in scheduled for to today. Plus, I was out four out of five days last week. I also have some phone calls to make and emails to answer. Anyway, as much as I’d like to crawl back into bed, it’s not a luxury I have today.
Courage to you Joe !
You seem to have a lot of ailments and take many medications. What was your rationale to add PrEP to your regimen? Medications often clash right? The liver impact is super important. Just wondering what your thinking was.
Archie, I don't usually discuss my sex life on my blog, but there are several reasons I added PrEP to my regimen. While I know things are a little better these days as far as managing HIV, I grew up in the 1980s and 1990s when AIDS was a death sentence. It seemed like every gay man contracted it and died. My mother was a public health nurse, and while she did not know at the time that I was gay, she scared the hell out of me about AIDS. Because of that, I have never been able to relax during sex. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it a lot, but afterwards, there was always that fear, even though I always had safe sex. By taking PrEP, I no longer have the same anxiety about having sex with other men. Also, my liver functions are closely monitored, and I understand the risks with the medication. The peace of mind is with it to be able to actually relax and enjoy having sex. That rationale may not seem reasonable to everyone, but it is for me.
Condoms really diminished the pleasure for me.....as a bottom and especially as a top. I decided to go on PrEP so I can go bare. Sex is so much more pleasurable for me now. I'm not sure I could even find a top who would f.... me with a condom.
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