Saturday, July 1, 2023

Moment of Zen: Canada 🇨🇦

Happy Canada Day!


uvdp said...

C'est notre ami JiEL qui va être content .
I hope, Joe , that you will not forget July 14 and the Assumption for the French

JiEL said...

Merci pour ces belles photos de beaux cananadiens fiers de notre drapeau et pays.

Thank you for these nice photos of beutiful Canadians proud of our flag and country.

Pour moi c'est le meilleur pays pour vivre en liberté et paix surtout comme en étant gai.

For me it's the best country to live in with liberty and peace mostly as being gay.

uvdp, j'ai plusieurs amis français et je serai de tout coeur avec vous le prochain 14 juillet.

Amitiés de Montréal, province de Québec (francophone).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post . Proud Canadian , who was just in your neck of the world . Bought a PRIDE shopping bag at Hannaford's in Morrisville , VT.

Joe said...

Uvdp, I will try my best not to forget July 14. I just need to find the right pics.

Anon, I have several of those Pride bags from Hannaford’s.

uvdp said...

In view of the events in France, I composed this prayer:
I pray to you Lord,
for Nahel, his family and his friends,
for the imprisoned policeman, his family, his friends and all the policemen,
for all thugs, looters, arsonists... and their victims,
for the return to calm and peace in the hearts of the French ,
so that we know how to identify the sources of violence and find ways to remedy them,
so that I know how to be a craftsman of dialogue and peace.