Monday, November 25, 2024

Monday, Again

It’s Monday morning, and as usual, I wish I was still in bed. Isabella let me sleep until a little after 5 am, but I did not want to get up to feed her. However, I did get up to feed her and to fix my own breakfast. It should be an easy day at work today. I will be the only person there. My coworkers are taking vacations today, one all week and the other possibly the whole week. We will only be open today, Tuesday, and half a day on Wednesday. The student’s on campus are gone for Thanksgiving, so that means we won’t have any student workers this week either. I doubt we will even have any visitors, although one or two might trickle in. Hopefully, it will be a quiet week. With that being said, I wish that I too had the whole week off and could just stay at home and go back to bed.

Have a great week, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Automatic Pet Feeder

Amazon has an assortment of digital pet feeders. Whenever we — the wife & kids — go out of town, I just set the feeder & it tackles that chore effortlessly. Same goes for the digital literacy box — just “set it & forget it”

The family cat is extremely temperamental, lazy and is emotionally needy; the “toy” dog loves road trips and craves companionship.

This was merely a thought, not advice nor recommendation.

Have a blissful & relaxing holiday!

Joe said...

I have a sled-cleaning litterbox, one of the best investments I ever made. I tried the automatic feeder, but unless her wet food is straight out of the pouch and I am the one feeding it to her as soon as I get up, she won’t eat it. She won’t eat wet food from anyone else, nor would she ever eat it from an automatic cat feeder. She has dry food in an automatic feeder, but she wants the wet food first thing in the morning. Thanks for the suggestion. I wish it would work, but at least I know I’ll get up in time for whatever needs doing during the day.

uvdp said...

I have a question for the feline professor and doctor.
My neighbors' cat, before coming to me kindly, scratches its claws. How to interpret this behavior? Thanks .
Have a good week Joe and Isabelle the Indomitable.

naturgesetz said...

This has nothing to do with today's post, or any other, but I wanted to say that I I'm sorry to read that the blog "The Narrow Corner" has been "removed." I presume it was the owner's decision, since it was clearly less salacious than others in your sidebar. It gave nice pictures of good-looking guys and I'm sorry to see it go. Thanks for including it over the years.

Joe said...

I don’t remember removing it, but maybe I did. Sometimes, I remove blogs when they haven’t been updated in a year or so. When I did a google search for the blog, I only found what seems to be a travel blog. If you can’t send me a link to the blog, I’ll be happy to add it back.

Joe said...

Usually, when a cat scratches something, they are marking it as theirs or just sharpening their claws.

naturgesetz said...

I didn't think you had removed it. I figured it was either the owner or Blogger. Here's what I found. The url is The message there is, "Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs." It had only been inactive for a week (not the sort of delay which would lead you to delete it), when I decided to look for an update and got that response. I wasn't blaming you or expecting you to do anything about it — just commenting.

naturgesetz said...

BTW. you can find it now between Joe.My.God. and Just Joshin' if you click the view all on your sidebar.

Joe said...

I didn’t think you were blaming me. I rarely ever change the stuff on my blog. I’m sorry the blog is no longer available.

RB said...

Sounds like a good week to work from home. Could you do that?

CAAZ said...

Sounds like it will be a lighter week for you. Have a great short week at work.

Joe said...

If I was not the only one working this week, I probably could at least work part of it from home, but since I am the only one there to keep the museum open, I have to be there in person.

Anonymous said...

JosΓ© por favor enviame un estudiante como los que salen en estas fotos tan maravillosas... No importa si es rubio o moreno LOL

Joe said...

I got an email today from the guy who did the blog “The Narrow Corner” saying it had been deleted and he has started a new blog, “Last 3xit.” ( I think you’ll like it. I removed “The Narrow Corner” and added “Last 3xit” to the list of blogs I like.