Monday, November 18, 2024

Soup Weather

Luckily, I don’t have to work today. I have an appointment up near Burlington at noon, so if I went to work today, I’d have to leave around 11 am and would not be back until before 2 pm. It just wouldn’t be worth it. 

Besides, while I am in the Burlington area, I have a few errands I need to run. One of those errands a is to run by a grocery store. (The other is to have lunch at a Mexican restuarant I enjoy. I had planned yesterday to try a new soup recipe, but I realized it called for three cans of cannellini beans, and I had only gotten one. It’s definitely soup weather, and I love a good soup. The soup is a Creamy White Bean and Kale soup. The soup has two of my favorite things in a soup, beans and kale. I usually only buy kale when I am going to make Zuppa Tuscano, but this recipe looked pretty good, even if it is vegan, although I think the addition of ham, or even Italian sausage, in this soup might be pretty good. I haven’t decided if I will modify the recipe with a little ham or not; I’ll see what my mood is when I’m making the soup. The recipe says it’s for four people, but that sounds like a lot of soup for just me, so I may half or at least third the recipe. Anyway, this soup is what I plan to make for dinner tonight.

I love trying new soups. Sometimes, they are really good and I can’t get enough of them, and sometimes, they fall flat. Do you have a favorite go to receive for when the weather cools down in fall and winter? If so, let me know. I may want to try it.


uvdp said...

You should try "La soupe au pistou" , with beans .
Pistou is basil, you can replace it with pesto which you find ready-made in the Italian sections of grocery stores .

Joe said...

Thanks, uvdp. I will give this recipe a try.

Anonymous said...

Mis sopas favoritas son la de marisco, la crema de calabacΓ­n y la de cebolla.