Saturday, November 30, 2024

Moment of Zen: New Fallen Snow

I know that a lot of people in areas that receive a lot of snow hate the stuff, and I will admit, when I have to shovel snow, clean snow off my car, or get out in the snow, I am one of them. However, there is something so beautiful and peaceful about pristine white snow that has just fallen. It blankets everything in its soft beauty. Everything seems quieter and more peaceful. It never lasts long, but it’s those first few moments when it is undisturbed that are breathtaking.


Capricornus said...

"... when I have to shovel snow, clean snow off my car, or get out in the snow, I am one of them..."
Buy a four-wheel drive car, Joe :-)

Capricornus said...

"... there is something so beautiful and peaceful about pristine white snow that has just fallen..."
Amen to that, Joe :-)

CAAZ said...

No snow here yet in southern Ontario, but I now have a new found respect for snow due to these pictures, lol.

uvdp said...

There was snow in Paris, a few days ago, it held a little

Anonymous said...

¡¡AMO a todos estos hombres maravillosos fotografiados en la nieve!!

Anonymous said...

OH LA LA... Paris siempre tan bonito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!